Chapter 1: Shyne Kathy Snow

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       It's been a few weeks that I've turned seventeen.

       'I'm getting old' I thought to myself while strolling down the street. I was returning home from tuition i was pretty late as my new friends were giving me an introduction of how high school was here. I've never been to Jackson Hughes High School. Tomorrow was going to be my first day there and I was dead nervous. But the few friends I've made in the French tuition told me that JHS was great.I was still thinking about high school when my mobile phone rang in my pocket. It was my brother, Jake. I knew that he was going to freak out because of my lateness. I quickly answered.

         "Shyne Kathy Snow!" he shouted through the phone. " Do you know what time is it?" he asked angrily.

      " I'm on the way" I simply said and before he could scold me even more, I ended the call.

     My brothers were protective. My mother left us when I was three and my father died when I was eleven. Tragic, isn't it? My brothers always gave me whatever I wanted and always accepted whatever decisions I took. They made sure that I was not lacking of anything.

        I was soon standing in front of my castle-like house. Well, I was the sister of two billionaires brothers afterall. My brothers, Jake and Eddy were twins. When they were twenty, they decided to start a business and after several years of hard work, they were now the richest men of Seattle.

     I came back from France three days ago because my brothers were missing me. I was living with father's sister, Gertrude in Paris for the last five years. I was reluctant to return to Seattle but I was missing my brothers too. I opened the door and walked to the living room where I found Jake sitting on the big couch with a magazine in his hands. As soon as his eyes landed on me, he stood up and walked to me.

       "Why are you so late?" he asked. From 'I-don't-know-where' Eddy dashed in the room and stood beside him. Both of them were staring at me with crossed arms and glaring gray eyes. They were like two clones.

      " I was talking to some friends"  I said looking at them with a smile.

     "Friends?" Eddy questioned suspiciously while staring at me.

     "Today was your first day of french tuition and you already made friends?" Jake continued the question that Eddy wanted to ask.

       "What can I say? I'm pretty sociable unlike you" I said with a mocking tone. Eddy just shrugged before walking to the couch where he let his body fall on the couch. I knew that he was tired as hell.

        "Hey! I am very social. I have a girlfriend!" Jake exclaimed, feigning hurt. I rolled my eyes at how childish he sounded.

        "Speaking of girlfriend! Where's Tessa?" I asked. Tessa Eton was Jake's girlfriend for now four years. She lived together with us. She was really great. Even if she was only twenty-five, I considered her as my mini mom. Not seeing her with Jake was weird. They were like magnets and even after four years together they were very much, still in love with each other.

      "She went to visit her parents. She'll be back soon." Jake said with a smile. My brothers were twenty-seven years old. Jake took my hand and pulled me in the kitchen. He told the cook to prepare some spaghetti. After some minutes, I finished eating. I walked back to the living room where I found my brothers watching a movie.

        "I'm going in my room to prepare all the stuffs needed for tomorrow"I told them. I walked to my room, sighing upon entering it. My bedroom was immense. It was twice the size of my bedroom in France. Purple walls, big white bed in the middle and my piano in the corner. I walked to my closet to look for something to wear.




All the clothes were just fabulous. I was quite sure that it was Tessa who bought these clothes. All kinds of accessories were stuffed in a big drawer. But my favorites were the high heel shoes. I've got more shoes in my closet than in a shop! While looking for clothes, I came across a beautiful small black dress. I decided to try it. I went to the mirror to look at myself. It was really beautiful. I have gray eyes just like my brothers. I have black hair which length's was to where the end of my ribs were.I also had some purple locks on my black hair. I have pale white skin and there was always that tint of red on my cheeks whenever I blush. I decided to put a pale brown high heel boots with that dress. I was going to wear that tomorrow.

It was decided.

      After my shower, I decided to log on Facebook. There are some messages from my French friends and a few friend requests. All of them were from the friends of french tuition. I accepted the friend requests and replied some messages. Before going to bed, I decided to play the piano and even if I haven't played for a few months, my fingers ran automatically on the keys creating a soothing melody. It was like breathing to me. When I was over, I walked to bed totally tired. The moment my head touched my pillow, I felt myself drifting in the air and I was soon asleep.

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