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Warning: this novel does contain mild language and sexual scenes, which may not be suitable for younger readers. This is my only warning. Enjoy the story!!!!!!!

Freedom. The word played in her head like sweet music on the radio. She stared at his coffin as the pall bearers lowered it into the empty waiting grave. It landed on the ground with a dull thud. She cringed unable to take her eyes of the wooden casket. Expecting, at any moment, for her husband to shove back the lid and pull her into the grave with him.

"Relax, Hayley, he's dead"

She searched her heart for any feelings whatsoever for the man she'd been married to for 8 years, but none surfaced. Aiden had put her through living hell. That's why when the coroner went to give her his personal belongings, the first words out of her mouth were, "Bury them with him, I don't want them." The man's jaw dropped and he'd simply stare at her.

She yanked off her wedding ring and dropped it onto the casket. Whispers could be heard behind her but she didn't care. From her pocket she pulled the divorce documents, which were drawn up earlier that month, and dropped them into the grave. She never did find the courage to tell him she wanted a divorce, not while the bruises on her back were still healing.

The positive pregnancy test, she'd taken only a few weeks ago, enforced her need to stay. There was no way she'd have made it on her own. She'd hoped a miracle would come her way and he'd change when she told him the news. She learned the hard way that there is no such thing as miracles and that he had no intention of changing. If he could speak, he'd probably say it should have been her in the grave, instead of him. Fate intervened and brought her freedom, despite her hesitancy to step out into the world.

The only feelings inside her were guilt for being partly responsible for his death, and sadness for her child, who would grow up without a father. She turned away and walked through the crowd of people who, one by one, offered there condolences.

No one knew what he put her though. He'd been a master deceiver, always putting on a lovey dovey act when his friends were around but the monster inside him lurked beneath the surface, waiting for the moment when they were alone. His words were warm, his eyes cold. She shivered when a snowflake slipped beneath the collar of her jacket.

His business partner made sure she gave him a funeral service. She agreed for fear of what might happen had she done otherwise. If it was up to her, she'd have just had a graveside service and be done with it. Her heart remained cool and distant as though she was viewing a stranger. He was no longer the man she'd fallen in love with at college. Now, that man she could truly mourn for. The one shed truly miss.

Her first tear slid down her cheek as she reached the last person in line who offered their condolences. He looks vaguely familiar, but her brain wasn't working well enough to remember him. A large bandage covered his left cheek. His friendly voice made him appear sympathetic, but his eyes, which concentrated on her so intently, looked as though they held a secret she'd rather not know. They made her shudder with unease.

She said a quick thank you and then excused herself. She could feel his eyes watching her as she hurried away. The hair on her arms stood on end and she wondered if she really was free after all.


He watched Hayley make her way to the car "it's not over. Not over by a long shot," he murmured. He noticed a women beside him staring, and pulled the brim of his hat down low. "Sad, sad day." He shook his head for her benefit.

Now there was nothing to stop him from taking what he wanted. For seven years he'd been patient, seven bloody years. He ached with anticipation of having her all to himself. An ache that was all too familiar from watching her night after night. No more seeking relief by his own hand, not when she would soon be able to do it for him.

His gaze slid down her body. She wore a full length black dress, but that didn't ease his excitement. He knew her body too well. His hands tingled at the thought of peeling the dress off her. The veil she wore covered her face, but he knew the brown curly hair and matching eyes that hid beneath it. The was nothing about her he didn't know. What song she sung in the shower. What colour her favourite underwear was. He'd left no stone unturned. He would bide his time. Let her mourn for her loss.

He chuckled

Loss? What a laugh many times had he seen her cry for in her bedroom at night? How many times had she pretended to be asleep, hoping that Aiden wouldn't beat her when he got home? Only Hayley, his sweet Hayley, could be upset over such a man.

He made the sign of a cross, as he walked back to his car. He put the key in the ignition and sat back in his seat, letting his gaze linger over her a final time. She sat slumped at her steering wheel.

"Make no mistake Hayley, I'm coming to take back what's mine"

Thanks for reading my new book and I hope you enjoyed it. Who is this stranger? What does he want with Hayley? Keep reading to find out!! If you liked my first chapter please vote and comment on it!! Thank you all!!

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