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Elizabeth's POV
I was sitting in my room snap chatting my best friend, Charlie. Both of us were really excited because Markiplier's You're Welcome Tour was actually coming to Michigan. As soon as the tickets went on sale we bought them so we could see their beautiful faces in person. Charlie's favorite of the five was Mark. Mine on the other hand was the little blue boy, Ethan. It's good that we both aren't "in love" with the same guy because we would probably fight to the death to win their love.

"Benny I'm trying to snapchat Charlie." I said while my dog attacked me with kisses.

I quickly sent the snap not even bothering to look at who I sent it to. It was me with a really stupid looking face but who cares it's supposed to be going to Charlie.

"Fine Benny I'll give you attention." I sighed giving in and petting his little head.

I decided that I would scroll through Instagram to see if anything good was posted. After a few minutes I exited the app and saw that Charlie still hadn't responded to my snap. I opened the app back up to see that I never actually responded to her snap, I doubled checked to see who I sent it to because it was a really weird picture of me. That's when I saw who I actually sent the picture to the Crankgameplays. The worst part was that he opened it.

Hey Cupcakes. So I randomly decided to make an Ethan fic because why not. I hope you all like it so far. Let me know what you think. Also if any of you would be willing to make a cover for me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for reading.





The Accidental Snapchat-Ethan Nestor (Crankgameplays) Where stories live. Discover now