Introduction and Rules

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Hello there!

It's Xan, the author of this book. Some of you, by which I mean, none of you, may know I make graphics! And, therefore, it only made sense to share my wonderful (terrible) graphics with the world! Although this book is solely for the purposes of entries in contests and a place to store my work, I will gladly take requests from anyone who wants a graphic and will post it if you'd like.

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requesting rules:

01. The story MUST be published. No exceptions. I want the graphic I worked hard on to be used, gosh dangit. Also, make sure it has at least five chapters. Like, real ones, not just author's notes. The chapter rule can be bent for those who write short stories.

02. No PMing me your form. Look, it's nothing personal, but it clogs my PMs and it's just easier for you to comment. Please make sure to comment the form on the last line of the chapter, however, because otherwise I may not see it!

03. Complete payment before delivery. I'm not one of those fancy-shmancy writers who stick their watermarks all up in your cover, but you do need to complete payment before I give you your graphic.

04. No shop hopping. For those of you who aren't in-the-know, that means to request a graphic from two people at once and pick the one they like better. Don't do it. Just don't. It's rude, and if you really don't like the cover, just tell me and we'll work something out.

05. Credit me. I don't think some of you understand--this is a must. Not crediting me is like stealing a president's inauguration speech; no one adverage will notice, but someone (namely, me) will notice and tweet about it and then the good people of the world will collectively shake their heads at you.

06. Don't publish the forms in parts, it's so annoying. The same thing goes for commenting on my comment. Like, don't do this:

Sally: This is the requests page, right?
re (@polarcarrot): Yes, this is! :)
re (@Sally): Cool! Okay, I want a pig on the cover with butterfly wings and a worm in the background!

(the password is 'teatime kittens.' You'll understand later.)

07. I do series covers, but no more than three in a series. Say you have a trilogy and you need themed covers. Fine. It'll take a lot longer, but fine. However, if you have four or more (ha! I'm a rhyming wizard!) books in the series I won't accept it. Sorry, but it takes too much of my time.

08. I'm not doing more than one redo. I'm not. If the cover isn't good, it's not. There are plenty of other shops in the sea, bud. 🌊

09. You have to use the graphic for a minimum of two weeks, after which you can change it. I'll give you a date of which you can change the cover if you'd like. You don't have to use the cover if you think it's absolute trash, just tell me. If you don't use the cover for the full two weeks (this excludes people who didn't accept the cover to begin with), you will be banned from the shop for two weeks, after which you may request from me again.

10. Read the rules. You're on a site made exclusively for people who supposedly love reading. It shouldn't inconvenience you too much. Plus, there are important details inside, some of which you may not have seen the first time you looked. ;)

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Either of these options will be fine:
~following my account @-starcharmed
~adding this book to a reading list and commenting on one of my stories

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Here are the forms! Yay! Payment remains the same for every graphic :)

cover form:

Subtitle (optional):
Description of story:
Forms of payment:
Additional (optional):

The additional is, in short, anything. They can be certain themes or colours you want included in your cover, a particular face claim, if you want to have a model in the picture or have no people included. Maybe if you only need a brunette with blue eyes, I'm not sure. But it's anything that you want or need on the graphic.

'other' graphic form:

Text (optional):
Subtitle (optional):
Ideal dimensions (optional):
Forms of payment:
Additional (optional):

You can literally request anything here. It could be a banana holding a baby blue convertible, for all I care. I don't do gifs, pngs, or trailers. This does include bookmarks and banners.

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additional info:

01. I do not own any of the stocks/photos I use, only the finished product (shown graphic) is mine.

02. Some examples of my work:

 Some examples of my work:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

03. Never, and I mean never, get a tattoo on your right foot on the day of the blue moon when you have a headache and own a pet husky (in some cases, holding an umbrella can worsen the consequences).

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Deck of Spades  | Graphic PortfolioWhere stories live. Discover now