Chapter 1

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  Folding up the last of the bandages, Silver set them down neatly in the medical drawer. This was what she did at the end of the day, she cleaned her medical supplies, restocked her cabinet, and organized things. Rolling the bandages and stacking them on the right side of the drawer, folding the gauze pads and stacking them to the left of the bandage pyramid. The syringes were all lined up evenly in the very front of the drawer, the bottle of medicine lined up by size and color behind them. This was a process, something calming and certain. It never changed.

 Sliding the drawer shut, Silver locked it securely and stuck the key into the front pocket of her navy blue nursing scrubs. Her violet eyes scanned over the section of the hospital wing assigned to her. Beds were made, each done neatly and in a military fashion. The counters had been scrubbed off, various jars with medical supplies in them lined up neatly. Her drawer of medicine and bandages organized and locked. 

 "Wow Silver, already done for the day?" Zero leaned against the door frame, her grey hair falling over grey eyes of nearly the same shade. 

 "Yes. Everything's in order," Silver replied cheerily. It had been a quick day today, no serious injuries, just routine checkups. "How about you?"

 "I'm good."

 Silver walked toward her friend, glancing over Zero's shoulder. Zero's section was always a mess. Zero called it 'organized chaos', she knew where everything was in the mess, but Silver had no clue how she was able to function in it. The beds in Zero's wards were made, and the workspace was fairly clean, but the jars of supplies were scattered aimlessly around, and Silver knew for a fact that Zero's medical drawer always looked like a hurricane had just gone through. 

 Zero stood up on her tiptoes, trying to meet Silver's eyes. "Stop judging me."

 Blinking Silver took a step back, she was unusally tall for a woman. Which made a few of her male patients quiet uncomfortable. Not that she cared. Silver was 5 foot 9, and she wore 5 inch stilleto heels every day, which made her tower over everyone. If she was standing right in front of Zero, her short friend had to crane her neck to see Silver's face. "I wasn't judging you. Everyone has their own way of organizing."

 Zero grinned wolfishly at her, "I know Silly. I'm just messing with you." She flicked a strand of grey hair out of her eyes. Zero had always had grey hair for as long as Silver had known her, even though she was quite young. "Ready to grab some dinner?"

"Yeah, I'm starving."

  Silver started to say something else, but was interrupted when a flustered Nova Corps recruit came sprinting into the room, nearly running right into Zero. 

 "Hey! Watch it!' Zero snapped irritably.

"Apologies. I was sent to fetch Nurse RavenWood." The boy was gasping for breath, obviosuly having sprinted here as fast as he could.

"She's off duty you dense little creature."

"I'm terribly sorry, but it's a manner of massive importance."

Silver put out a restraining hand toward Zero before her friend could continue verbally abusing the young man, who was simply following orders. "It's alright, I'll go. You'll have to go and eat without me Zero, I'll see you later."

 Nodding, Zero stalked off, but not before throwing a murderous glare toward the Nova Corps messenger. 

 "Don't mind my friend, she's always like that. Now, what was so important?" Silver asked calmly. 

"We've got a patient that the Commander wants you to look after. She says your the best medic we have."

"That's probably true."

"He's in bad shape, but he's not being very cooperative, and she wants you to keep it quiet. No one's supposed to know he's here."

"Of course," Silver nodded. She crossed the room in a few strides of her long legs, and grabbed the bag of medical supplies she kept on hand for occassions just like this, when she had to leave the relative safety and organization of her ward and visit a patient elsewhere.

 Grabbing the heavy black bag, Silver swung it over her shoulder. "Lead the way."

The soldier nodded, taking off at a brisk walk down the hall. Silver followed him, her heels clicking sharply on the concrete floor, the sound echoing around the ward. She wondered exactly who she would be treating. 

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