Part One

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Scene One

A nice sunny day with the wind slightly blowing, Sin and Alex are walking down the street (Heading towards the school). Sin keeps gazing at the trees, stops every once and awhile to just stare at a tree or a flower. Alex gives a glare at Sin every once and awhile.

You know you should really care.

Care? What do you mean?

Your killing us, everyone of us.

I am wh-

Nevermind let's get this over with.

Sin looks confused, but shakes his hand and starts to walk again. Stopping again to look at another plant.

A few week ago something appeared within the sky. No one knew what it was or what it held. But this sweet very strange and stupid boy came out of it, so did a few others. Ever since that day, these aliens keep appearing? News had been blowing up around the world, they have been visiting  many places around the world, then more of them started to come. My mother met this boy when he was working one day and told  him that  I would give him a tour of our small town. They still appear like your typical human, for what I understand. But this boy is different from the others, he wants to learn more about earth than the others. Amazed by everything he sees and touches. Once he ate part a thorn bush, yea he realized his mistake quick. But I learned something from that event, his blood was black not red. And that should of been my first sign.

Alex looks at Sin with wonder, trying to figure his out. Sin looks up at Alex realizing that Alex was staring at him. Alex blushes and shakes his head quickly looking away. Sin stops and looks at Alex.

So what are you called again, a mirl? No roy?

(Has a smirk on his face)
I am a boy, not a roy and it's girl not mirl.

What the bleep is that?

Viewing goes towards the school. Sin is wided eye staring at the school. Sin turns and looks at Alex for an answer, Alex is laughing trying to get his words out.

(While laughing)
It's a place where kids go to learn.

(Uneasy on his feet he takes a few steps forward)
You have to go away from home to learn your knowledge? That's unrealistic we learn everything from our parents.

Alex scratches his head and looks at him cluelessly. Sin tilts his head and little trying to figure out Alex.

You know I never got your name.
(You does a short of bow)
My name is Alex.

(Tries to hide is smile towards Alex)
My name is Sin.

That should of been my second warning sign, but I didn't  listen. I wonder what he thinks about us? What he thinks about me?
(Stares at Sin in a loving way)
I wonder a lot of things...


(Shakes his head and quickly recovers himself)
Sorry umm-

Sin stares at the graveyard blankly.

It's where we go when we pass away, a graveyard.

Oh ok we have something like that at home.

And where is that?
Another warning once again ignored.

Sin looks quickly looks at his feet and tries to change the subject. Asking about random things he already knows the answer to. Alex just brushes it off and tries to just move on.

Scene Two

Months and years passed, showing many scenes throughout. Going through the places they have been. Just enjoying the time and company of each other.


I should of listen to the warnings.

Umm... Alex?

Why didn't I listen to the signs.

I fell in love with this boy... but I don't want to be in love.

I can't have this feeling.

How can I make it stop?

Sin grabs Alex's hand and repeats the same line again. Sin's grip got tighter and he started to cry again. Sin tries to pull Alex closer, but Alex pulls away.


Why do I have to feel like this?

Alex pulls Sin in close, and kisses him. Sin's eyes got wide then they closed.

I am stupid.

Sin's eyes got wide again, and then pushed Alex off of him. Sin stood up and started to run away. But Sin stopped and turned around.

I should of stayed away.

What do you mean?

I have to tell you something.

Sin walks over and helps Alex up.

I am not from another planet... I am from Earth, but not this part of Earth. I am from the underworld.


Sin nods his head and looks away. Alex grabs Sin's hand and pulls him close.

I love you to-

Sin stabs Alex in the get, Alex drops to the ground unable to finish his sentence.

You were right Alex, we are killing you, every last one.

Sin walks down the road, But was unable to continue walking. He drops to the ground crying gripping his hand on his face. He just froze in place, barely even breathing.

That's why it's safer down there.

Zooms out to Alex laying on the ground, taking his last breath. Shoots back to Sin still frozen on the ground crying, zooms out from there.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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