-=Chapter 1=-

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Carson was so excited when he heard from his parents that he would be staying at a beach house with his two best friends-Ness, and Carsman. Though, Carson has grown very fond of his friends, and seems to have a slight crush on both of his "besties"...

WARNING: Thoughts of suicide in some, maybe some sexual things(?), some bloody parts, and lots and lots of gay!
Dedicated To: All my readers!
  I looked outside my window, staring out at the coast. The warm sun had shone brightly as my sunglasses reflected off of it. I rolled down my window, a smile plastered onto my face as my light brown hair swooshed through the air. My mind was only on one thing-and that was seeing my best friends in the whole wide world. I remembered seeing picture's of his friends' beach house, which they had shared. My eyes stared at a familiar house, making me sure it was theirs. I quickly opened the door, rushing to the front. My mom slowly ran up to catch up to me. The scent of fresh saltwater flew throughout the air. I smiled, waiting for someone to open the door. Suddenly, the door slammed open, showing two familiar faces to me. 
  "Ness! Carsman!" I cheered, staring at the faces. They stared back at me, smiling, before stars grew in their eyes. They quickly jumped on top of me.
  "Carson!" they shouted in unison. I giggled as the tightly hugged me on the ground. My mom stared down at me, slightly chuckling as she slid my suitcase over to my side. I stared at it, before I got up and hugged my mother.
  "I'll miss you!" I cheerily said. My mother chuckled, before stepping backwards. She took off her sunglasses, smirking. 
  "Don't get too used to hanging out with those two!" My mother laughed. I slightly giggled, staring at the two boys. Ness had his arms crossed, while Carsman was on his phone, wanting me to go into their beach house already. A sigh left my mouth as I hugged my mom one more time before running back up to the door. 
  "Bye, Mom!" 
  "Goodbye, honey!" I watched as my mother drove away. The smile on my face grew. I turned around, only to see Ness and Carsman standing there. They started giggling, before grabbing me and pushing me up the stairs. A laugh left my mouth as I stopped them for a moment, asking them where they were taking me. 
  "To your room, silly!" they cheered. I nodded, walking up to the room. As I opened the door to my room, my eyes grew wide. The space was ginormous! It was also very clean. The bedspread was full blue, the edges white. The pillows were also a bright white. A large, giant smile was shown on my face, as I ran up to the bed, jumping onto it. I giggled as I stared at the ceiling. I had always wanted to stay at their beach house... 
  "So. Ya like it?" Carsman said, smirking. I looked up at him, nodding frantically. Ness smiled, walking up to the bed and sitting on it. He then swiftly wrapped an arm around me, making my face turn a light red. 
  "You will enjoy staying here for the summer, Carson! It's full of surprises!" Ness said, winking. The boy raised his red hat above his head, his eyes showing more. I nodded, slightly resting my head on Ness' shoulder. Carsman laughed quietly.
  "You guys seem like the cheesiest couple on the planet." Carsman said, making me back up from Ness. I waved my hands frantically.
  "What! No!" I said, a nervous laugh in my voice. Ness slightly did the same, sitting across from me on the other side of the bed. Carsman laughed, saying it was a joke. A sigh of "relief" left my voice, as I got off the bed. Suddenly, I felt my stomach growl. The two boys looked at me, making me nervously laugh. Ness looked at his watch, seeing that the time was 6:30. He nodded, getting off the bed and walking to the door. 
  "We have our dinner reservations in fifteen minutes." Dinner reservations? Wow, they had really planned my trip for the summer. I nodded in satisfaction of being able to eat soon. We rushed down the stairs to go get ready. I looked over at Ness and Carsman. They waved green flip flops at me, then tossed them at me. Quickly, I put on my flip flops. They had fit perfectly! Ness had red flip flops, while Carsman had blue. We all then walked out the door, in our shorts and short-sleeved t-shirts. We walked up to the beach, and Ness and Carsman pointed to a restaurant-The Hawaiian Treat. I smiled, satisfied they chose Hawaiian food. As we walked over to there, I looked out into the beach. The shore slowly hit the sand, as children playing around. I grinned, looking forward again, only to see we were there. Ness opened the door, bright light coming into the area. As a worker took us to our seats, I looked at the scenery around the area. Seashells and the smell of seawater. We sat down at a table with benches, us getting comfy. Though, Ness and Carsman fought for whoever got to sit next to me, since it had to be two on one side, and one on the other. But, they decided to have Carsman next to me. I smiled as I looked at the menu, seeing one of them being mac n cheese. Wait, why would they have mac n cheese at at Hawaiian place? Oh well, I didn't really think of it. As our food got here, Carsman took his fork and grabbed a piece of my mac n cheese.
  "Hey!" I growled, pulling my bowl of food away from him. He chuckled, before pointing the fork at me, acting like it was an airplane. I smirked, realizing what he was doing. I blushed as I opened my mouth for him to "feed me". 
  "Here comes the airplane!" he laughed, shoving the piece of mac n cheese into my mouth. I chuckled, chewing on the food. Ness just face palmed, eating his food. I smirked, grabbing his piece of chicken on a fork and doing the same thing Carsman did to me. Ness rolled his eyes, opening his mouth, before I "fed him". My face was full red as we kept feeding each other. As our 'feeding competition' was done, we paid for our food, and went back to the house. When we got home, we played some video games. In the middle of Mario Kart, I hear snoring, noticing Ness is asleep on Carsman's shoulder. I quietly smirked, before yawning. Carsman looked at me, smiling. He pulled me close to him, pausing our game. Blush grew on my face, as I rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over me...

I hope you all enjoy this story! FAN ART WOULD BE AWESOME BTW (XD)! Also, this is a holiday series. Summer, fall, winter, and spring. So enjoy that! 
-PanOfLuv! (/._.)/ hugz!

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