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Rachel gratina was your normal everyday teenager, she was very attractive and popular with the boys. All the teenage boys wanted her and all the women hated her for it. She started drama for the fun of it, she smoked behind her parents back but she didn’t care, but she did want to settle down at one stage of her life, if she could.

All of what she did landed her in trouble and also in danger with herself and with her friends, one day she ended up in hospital, she was in a comma for a long amount of time, she had images in her mind of her friends coming to visit her because she heard their voices.

Years had past and she slowly woke up, but to her if only felt like a couple of days or weeks, when she woke up she slowly got out of her hospital bed and looked around seeing if anyone else was aroubd, there was no sound and no response to her when she shouted “hello, can anyone help me?”.

She walked outside, the sun blinding her for a few seconds, when her eyes adjusted she looked around and saw what had happened, cars left with their doors open, dead rotten body’s on the ground, not far from where she was stud there was what sounded to her like a groaning noise. Rachel followed where the noise was coming from, she looked to the ground and saw a half moving body, all she could see was the top half of its body, she didn’t know what to do so all she did was run, she ran as fast as he healing body could take her.

She ran as far as should could from the hospital hoping what ever that thing on the ground was hadn’t followed her. As she kept moving she heard a noise, it sounded almost Like a motorbike was heading her way, she stud still, but as she did that she also wondered if she should run away because it was some maniac wanting to kill her. Her arms suddenly wrapped around her body, the bike drove down the road that she was stud on, Daryl saw a figure in the middle of the road, as he drove up to the figure rachel slowly approached the male on his bike as she approached him he watched her whilst placing his hands and  getting his crossbow ready, when he got closer to her he stopped his bike slowly and looked directly at her.

She looked at him with a worried but slightly stern look on her face "you okay?" He asked her as he looked at her, his hands still in his crossbow incase she made any sudden movements towards him, she said nothing and just looked at him, her legs where starting to feel weak as she tried to lift them up to move them to go towards him. Once he noticed that she didn't respond but she moved ever so slowly towards him he too hold of his crossbow and pointed  it towards her with a serious stern look on his face, as she walked towards him ever so slowly she felt her body give in and her knees went week as she fell to the solid hard ground of the road , he chucked his crossbow to the ground in a sudden motion and dashes of his bike and made his way over to her.

He knelt down on the floor  a next to her and gently picked her up  in his strong arms and gently held her close to his chest waiting and wondering if she would wake up but he was also being careful as he has seen people call and come back has a walker. Minutes had past they by and he was still holding her in his arms looking down at her in a sweet way, she slowly woke up by the faint flicker of her eyelid's, as he eyes slowly opened she looked up at him with confusion "w..where am I?" She asked curiously as she looked at him and slowly around her surroundings "you in the middle of the road " he stated calmly "you fell to the ground" he said softly her body trying to move but it was to weak to hold her body weight "it's okay, I'll take you to my group...well ricks people" he said as he slowly knelt up onto his feet whilst picking her up at the same time, her arms wrapped around him Inna sudden motion as though she was scared of being dropped "what happened to this world?" She asked him curiously he looked at her with slight worry and confusion "so you don't know?" He asked curiously as he carried her back to his bike "all I remember is being in hospital ......that's about it" she stated in a soft tire sounding Voice , as he listened to her he sighed softly as what she said reminded him of what once happened to rick.

He sat her on his bike carefully and picked up his crossbow before getting himself back on his bike, he sat behind her and started the bikes engine and drove down the road, as he drove he looked at her sweetly and with slight worry, he checked her body for any bite marks as that was not a good sign if he was to see that, as they kept driving she fell asleep on his bike by resting her head against him slightly.

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