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Lucy P.O.V.
"Princess, wait up", Virgo pleaded as I ran down the halls and into the garden. Today was the day. The day I have been planning for awhile now. Today, I was going to escape.

I ran as fast as I could thru the garden, passing moms gravestone, and into the taxi that was awaiting my arrival. "Go!!!", I hurriedly demanded as the last bit of breath I had left rushed out of me just as quickly as my words left my mouth.

What just happened can be explained in as little as two words: runaway princess. Yes, that's right. I ran away to escape my many duties as a princess so that I could have a chance to live a normal life. I know it probably sounds irresponsible. In fact, it probably is. But I never chose this life. No one can choose the life that they're born into. But finally, I have a chance to live as a normal teenaged girl.

Jude P.O.V.
"Sir, Lucy Heartfillia has escaped. What would you like me to do?"

"Dammit", I shouted in anger slamming my first on the office desk, "Lucy has escaped, and in bad timing too. I hate to say this, but we will need help from that independent group. What was there name again? Oh yes, Midnights Light. Get there help, offer them a big sum, and get her back here now, Capricorn!!!"

"As you wish my master," Capricorn mumbled with fear in his voice because truthfully, he was scared of Jude's reactions.

Lucy P.O.V.
"Finally, I'm here", I whispered to myself in excitement as I hopped out of the taxi and onto the ground of my new place. While waving goodbye, I noticed a short blue haired girl staring at me from across the street. She looked about my age and was wearing school uniform. Suddenly, she started walking towards me. The palms of my hands started to sweat and I begun to feel nervous, as I wondered what'll happen if she noticed I was the princess or better yet, if she found out that I ran away somehow.

Finally, she approached me and held out a hand, "I'm Levy. You look new around here. Are you?"

Taking her hand I quietly greeted myself, "Nice to meet you Levy. I'm Lucy. Lucy Hea", I was about to say Heartfillia but then I considered that what if she recognizes the Heartfillia name, so instead I mumbled, "Hearn. And yes, I am new around here."

Levy giggled, "You don't have to be nervous. C'mon I'll show you around town. But first, can I call you Lu for short."

"Sure", I smiled at Levy who seemed almost as happy as I was to have made a friend. As she showed me around town, she told me about herself. It was interesting to learn about her crush, the school we'll be attending, and some of her friends. As we chatted, something inside of me told me that I'll have many more adventures to come.


Heyyyy, I hope your all enjoying this book so far. Please don't forget to vote and if you have any suggestions or opinions please comment as well 😁 This chapter sucked, but the story will get better I promise. 💜💙💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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