The One Time I Met One Direction ...

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Hey everyone, my names Cheyenne Rose and im 16 years old. I live in Sydney Australia and yes i am one of those obsessive teenage girls who fangirl over all the latest trends. But i hate One Direction, thats just one thing i will NEVER in my life like. But im completly obsessed with Justin Bieber <3 He's my idol and im so excited hes in my town this week . I had tickets to his concert, but they werent very good. I was taking my best friend in the world, Ashley as we are both over-obsessed with Justin. The night before was the last day before the holidays so we went and partied it up. During the last period the teacher let us put any song we wanted on so we put Boyfriend on and started singing :) Everyone was looking at us, recording and laughing, we were the class clowns. When the bell rang we hugged our friends then ran out to get the bus to my house. We had to be quick to start getting ready for tomorrow. When we got home, my mum had a huge smile on her face. "Whats going on?" I said looking around my house. "I've won the two of yous, backstage passes to meet Justin!" We looked at eachother and started SCREAMING! I hugged her and even started crying out of joy ! "But theres a catch" "Which is?" "You haft to meet up with the boys in One Direction and show them around sydney first!" "BUT MUM !" "Its not my fault honey, i got them off a close friend who was gonna let her step daughters do it but they are too obsessd with One Direction to do it. So i suggested you doing it! Please! Then you get to meet Justin BIEBER ! Your idol" "Okay we'll do it!" We said looking at eachother. I ran up to my room and started throwing clothes everywhere. I finally found to wear tomorrow when i met One Direction -.- Then i would have my bag with This in it for when i met Justin <3 I was so excited for tomorrow !

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