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Vast emptiness
Gasping for air
Treading for dear life
You reach the surface
Only to fall back down again

Water fills your lungs
Your ears ring
Your body goes limp

You've given up
You've given in
You've stopped fighting
You've stopped trying

The world calms
And spins
And darkens
And fades to black

And that's the end
That's life
It's over

People feel it everyday
That lack of hope
That emptiness
That solitude

People see others experiencing this
And they do nothing

That is why thousands of people
Are locking their doors
And running a bath
Grabbing a razor
And pressing it to their wrists

Or opening their medicine cabinet
And grabbing a bottle of pills
And swallowing a handful of them

All of these things are preventable
All of these things can be stopped

Instead of letting somebody take
The harsh judgement of others,
Allowing somebody cry alone,
Letting somebody fake a smile,
Or even letting them sit alone

Stand up, shout, do something about it
Cry with them, let them know they're not alone
Give them a reason to smile
Or sit with them

Make a difference
Don't just stand by
Because you can be the reason

That they smile
That they don't feel alone
That they can make it through
That they can see another day

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