Chapter One: The New Boy...

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NamJoon's Backstory...

*NamJoon is an inexperienced 18 year old kid with an extremely high I.Q. He is finally about to start college once the summer is over. His parents are very successful entrepreneurs who occasionally have to move around a lot. Due to the fact that NamJoon only has one friend that he managed to hang onto, Yoongi, he didn't mind when he had to move again for college. For the summer, he decided to do some tutoring at the college he was going to attend. The Dean felt as though this would be a good summer job for him and it would look great on his resume. So in attempt for him to be pretty close to the school, his parents rented a huge cottage on the lake, not too far from the college for the summer. Little did he know this would soon turn into a summer he would NEVER forget...*

After arriving to the cottage...

*NamJoon is in his room unpacking his clothes. As he unpacks, he notices this other huge cottage next door to them as he looks outside of his bedroom window...then walks in his mom*

Mrs. Kim: "Hey honey, your new Boss just called and he wants to see you as soon as possible to go over your schedule and stuff."

NamJoon: "Right now Eomma? I can't even take a nap first?"

Mrs. Kim: "Nope, that's how adulting works." *She tosses him the car keys* "Better hurry up, he sounds pretty impatient..."

*NamJoon takes one more look at the cottage next door outside of his window before he heads downstairs. As he's making his way towards the car, he sees this extremely cute boy sitting on the front steps of the cottage next door. The boy was probably the cutest boy NamJoon has ever seen. He had brown hair, plump lips, long legs...he was unbelievable. As NamJoon was looking at him, the boy casually looked up at him, making NamJoon quickly look away as he blushed...this made the boy smile. As NamJoon pulled off he couldn't stop looking at the mystery boy through his review mirror...*

Once in the Deans Office...

Dean: *stands up shaking NamJoon's hand* "Great to finally meet you NamJoon, please have a seat."

NamJoon: "Thank you Sir."

Dean: "Our school is very fortunate to have someone of your caliber studying here in the fall. That's why I think you helping with tutoring this summer will not only benefit our students but you as well."

NamJoon: "Thank you so much, I'm very excited to start."

Dean: "Great. Well first order of business, your schedule. Does Monday-Thursday from 9-4pm work for you?"

NamJoon: "Yes that's perfect."

Dean: "Great, and I actually have your first student who really needs some tutoring before the fall classes start."

NamJoon: "Really? Who?"

Dean: "My son Jin. He's finally about attend college like you in the fall, but he has a hard time studying. Ever since I moved him out here...things have been really tough on him..."

NamJoon: "Oh. Well that won't be a problem Sir."

Dean: "Great. Now I must warn son is um...easily distracted. So to give you more incentive to make sure you keep him on track, I will double your pay for ALL of my sons tutoring lessons."

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