Planetary Go!

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By the way Vanya's role here is not exactly as a whole killjoy, she is a mentor to Catastrophe, Crazy Kid and Toxic Paranoia. She was a killjoy once then decided to be their mentor especially to Toxic Paranoia.

And the picture above is Lana Del Ray as Vanya Violet.


3. Planetary Go!

The news spreads out like a flu that is flying across the country and it's affecting people's lives to it. I felt Space Kid's excitement when she hears the Fabulous Four will be there on the concert and I envy her for that, if she only knew that I'll kill them once and for all so I can have the power on ruling the whole Killjoy Revolution.

"Are you getting excited for this?" she asks and I only manage to smile at her to give sympathy to her excitement but back in my mind I knew the four killjoys had nothing to do with my past but then I had to kill then for what reason?

"Do you lived in Battery City before?" I ask as she fix her messy blonde hair, she chuckles a bit and looks at me "Not really I mean I was exposed to the desert when I was a kid" she answers and I give her a chocolate which she glady took it and had a bite. "Say Vanya said you left her a long time ago" she says between her chews on the chocolate and I felt the bitterness in my heart but then I need to fake everything even my past.

"Reasons are too many kid, I mean you seem to be trustful but I don't like you" I answered as I sigh in defeat trying to control the demons in my hands and the voices inside my head. They're unstoppable and they're stronger than before. "You know Vanya said the fabulous killjoys are the heroes, well once they were. Did you know the red haired guy got insane?" she says as if she wants me to know something I never heard before.

I mean I know the fabulous four of course, they are the people's hero outside the city and they live at zone six and that's it, but seeing this kid telling me this kind of fact about Party Poison is making me question about those four. "They are all insane and we are also insane so?" I said as I take a bite to my chocolate "But he's worst, after the killjoy massacre he searched for the person behind this and he believes it was a killjoy. His friends believed it was Korse but he never believed" she explains and I remembered him and Star's argument about me being the one who started the killjoy massacre which is true but it was my demons' fault, they were the reason why half of the killjoys died in my hands.

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