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You are new in Florida, and  it's you first day in school. So you feels a little bit of nervous because you don't know anybody, and the fact that you are going alone.

You are on the bus stop to wait for your bus, when a cute brunette haired guy stand next to you. He in few inches taller that you and he's wearing suprah, jeans, t-shirt over a hoddie. *You blushed*. You can't look at him and you just smilling like an idiot.

Toby: Hi..Good mornig *he greeted you*

Toby: Uhmm, Hello, are you okey ??

Toby: Hello .. ?! *He exclaimed*

You: Ooh i'm H-Haley y-you ???

Toby: I'm Toby * He held his hand for shakehands*

Toby: So uhhmm , my hands ?!

You: Ooh sorry, i just spaced out *Mumbled*

Toby: Why??

You: Just imaginig bieng you friend.

Toby: Haha .. Your new in here ???]

You: Yes, How about you ???

Toby: Ooh men. I lived here. Welocome to Florida :)

*After a few minutes, Toby's bus stopped*

Toby: So, I got to go, by the way, we could be relly good friends, see yah later! BYE

*Toby said taht with smile, and he went up the bus ... you were speechless and that become your BEST FIRST DAY EVER !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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