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I'm going to write imagines and requests about Game of Thrones.
If you want me to write someone you can request someone and I will write it.
You can DM me or write it in the comments.
I need this informations:  -who you want me to write
                                                 -in which                  house you are
                                                 -some basic information about the story

I'm going to write: - Eddard Stark
                                  -Tyrion Lannister
                                  -Jaime Lannister
                                  -Petyr Baelish
                                  -Robb Stark
                                  -Jon Snow

But if you want someone else you can write me and I can add some other characters.

I do not own any of these characters. They belong to George R.R.Martin.

Game of Thrones ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now