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The station the girl stood in had a metalic smell that could not be covered even with the multiple scents that floated in the air. There were no stars visible for the light was too much. The platform was connected to the building that was white and had blue lights along it in lines. The harsh blue light of the city behind it glowed as if it held the power of the sun. The city behind her with it's buildings that shot high into the sky felt like home to her.

A girl with red hair stood at the station a suitcase in one hand and a purse in the other. The suitcase was a white with a blue angled design on it. The purse also matched that fashion and so did her clothes. The station around her glowed an eerie blue with a glass dome rooftop that let the moonlight shine in. The girl's red hair stood neatly on her back with a blue pin holding it in place.

Around her were a few people, most likely going home or traveling far away for not many people came at this hour. Androids with blue glowing eyes floated, rolled, walked,moved, around the station. Some resembled animals, some resembled extinct animals, shapes, and some were shaped like humans even. Each one could be told was an android by the blue glowing marking somewhere on their metal shell.

The girl looked around before swiping her hand down in a motion bringing up a screen only seen by her. The screen blinked open in front of her. A clock and a schedule of trains were on it. She looked around, the androids now had cursor above them telling the android's basic information like it purpose, model, and ID. there were four of them. One was human like one that stood eerily still in the connor, it's purpose was to provide information. The other was a round disk that moved around cleaning the station. A blue and white one stood still for it was not activated yet, it was made to move bags patrons did not feel or couldn't carry. The last was also human and the only features that could tell it was one where the eyes and the tattoo on the neck was a logo of the company.

She looked to other people at the station and she could see that they had their lenses on too without privacy mode. Thinking it was best not to look at others projections she looked to the gap in the ground where the train would arrive. The gap was surrounded in a yellow barrier of light. A timer in blue bold letters were visible with the lenses on.



It counted down the time until the train arrived. She watched it tick every second. The people around her began walking towards the train or staying were they were. The ground began to rumble a sign that the incoming train was coming in fast. She didn't move from where she was standing.



The clocked ticked. The red haired girl began walking to the yellow safety barrier. The other people began lining up at various points of the station. Rumble rumble... Only the sound of the footsteps could be heard and the soft vibrations alerting people of an incoming train.



Incoming Train.

The Bullet train slide effortlessly into the station slowing down until only the end of the train was in the station. The wind picked up making clothes flap in the wind of the high speed train. The train stood there in a ominous blue glow that the station was covered in. The train itself had blue glowing lines that covered the train. The train was a train shaped like a bullet train. The back of the train was an angled rounded with a domed tinted glass roof.

An announcement rang through the station.

"Boarding is now available please be curtous of other people around you." A female voice rang from the speakers.

The girl walked with her red hair flowing behind her to the end of the train. She tapped the yellow translucent barrier which rippled for a few seconds until opening up and the back train doors in front of her opened up with it. Silently she stepped onto the back of the train and sat down closing the door behind her. She looked out the window into the night. The moon floated in the sky in a crescent shape. Not even the moon could faze the glowing lights of the sky.

The five minutes of boarding time passed. She stared out into the night that was never silent and always moving. Nothing ever slept in this world it seemed like. When one thing rested another woke. It was always moving

The train began to move. It was almost impossible to tell that it was without looking out the window to see the moving platform. She looked out the domed glass roof to the platform and the city that resided behind it that glowwed. As the train moved effortlessly across the tracks she bidded goodbye to the city silently as the train began moving faster, and faster. Not knowing that it could have been the last time she would see the familiar blue glow of the city as the train flew effortlessly into the darkness of the night.

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