The meeting and reintroductions

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I met you before under a different name,
A different identity,
Someone else was in control but I saw the same familiar glint in your eye.

Flash forward a few years and you became more comfortable in your own skin and your smile lit up the room.
I saw that glint again this time feeling a fairly new feeling I had never felt as strong.

Hearing you speak made me feel beyond lucky. Your words flowed like silk and were as sweet as honey. You made the room around you seem brighter.

Compared to you I fade into the background but someone like you makes me feel center stage with the crowd cheering our names.

Thank you for letting me know you again. Thank you for letting the true me free. The love I have for you is stronger than Amara or Lucifer, harder to destroy than a Winchester and as bright as an angels grace. I love you man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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