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I'm sorry...don't hate me😖 but I updated😄



"Hey~"she said softly, hoarsely.

I just pulled her closer to me in the bed. I'm so fucking glad to have her back.

It's been three days since we came home. The doctor in the gang took care of her but I cleaned her up...I seen what they had done to her, and it made me want to torture them to death again.

I haven't let anyone else enter the room, and I carry Alex to the bathroom. I haven't not been holding her this whole time. I just have to protect her.

She wakes up with screaming nightmares. I don't want her to speak because of the damage to her mouth...

She is so beautiful,

"Are you...j-just gonna s-stare at m-me or wh-hat" she inquired in a shaky voice trying to make a joke. It made me smile, and I chuckled at the look on her face when she seen my dimples.

I leaned forward and went to peck her lips and she flinched away.

"I-I so sorry baby,"I said instantly realizing what I just did,"I didn't mean to upset you."

She just kept her head down, her breathing so fast it was barely there.

"Hey, hey, hey babygirl~" I said calmly.

She started crying, and shaking so hard her teeth chattered. She grabbed onto my shirt and scooted more onto my lap. I sat up more in bed and held her and rocked, back and forth.

She just gripped on to me tightly and sobbed shaking and panting like crazy.

So, I started singing.

"  You are my Sunshine~
     my only Sunshine.
  You make me happy~
   when sky's are gray.
  You'll never know dear~
         how much I love you~
                so  please don't take
                      my Sunshine away.  "

I just kept singing that song for hours, and after she calmed down she stood on my feet and we danced around the room to Buckcherry and Matchbox 20.


We're dancing around the room to two of the best bands, and I can't help but feel safe, even after what happened...even-even if it had happened twice, once before I was with Stark.

I feel like I'm protected, and loved. Like I'm worth something. Like someone would miss me.


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