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Hello Everybody!! (That is of course assuming that there is someone out there reading this *insert cheesey grin*)

There are a couple things you should know about me and this blog.

First!! Everything I say here is not meant to be derogatory in any way shape or form. If you don't like something I say, deal with it. Believe me I am not writing about you personally, I am writing about mwah....ME.

Second!! Some may ask....why the heck are you writing this to begin with?

Welp, mostly because I have yet to find a good YouTuber, blogger or anyone else on social media or otherwise that deals with this topic in a sane way ( and BELIEVE ME, I've looked *whew*)

Thirdly!! What IS the topic of this blog??

YEA!!! I'm glad someone asked *cough cough* me *cough cough*. Mostly I am going to write about makeup and beauty and skincare. I get it, this topic is totally unoriginal and millions (yes, literally millions -_-) of people are writing about the exact same thing. I get it. THERE AREN"T THOUGH!

This blog is going to be very specific. I will be writing SPECIFICALLY about the struggles of having superbly pale, translucent skin that is acne prone, completely neutral, and HAS A BUDGET. I love my skin but I don't have the money to spend on fancy-shmancy products (cause I'm poor....and Walmart is as good as it gets :P).


So that's out of the way and now we can get on to the topic of this blog, which was, of course, to introduce myself *hi! I'm a snowflake, nice to meet you* and to give you a list of what I think is ESSENTIAL for every person with super pale skin to have in their makeup bag (or box, or Ziplock, or tent or treasure chest or whatever the heck you wanna use).

Here it is! PART 1

NUMERO UNO! *kinda feel that was redundant bUIKeyInputDownArrowut whatevs....*


No, no not the gloppy mess you put on at night. You know, the stuff that's thicker then Vaseline and you could probably use to stop the leak under your sink? Ya, no, not that stuff...

I'm talking about a super thin, easy to use and relatively cheap moisturizer that you can put on underneath the foundation you want to use every morning. *Believe me gals, you will be amazed at what a good lotion can do for your skin.*

I personally recommend something with age defying properties. Now, I get it, you may still be super young and wrinkle free but the sooner you start using this stuff the better. If you wake up when your 40, notice your crows feet and THEN decide to slather on the age defying goop, its not gonna do diddly squat. Its age prevention not AGE STOPPING....lets get our adjectives straight shaaaaaall we?

I LOVE the Olay, Age Defying, Anti-wrinkle, Day lotion with sunscreen. It has an SPF of 15 so its relatively light. There is no white caste (been there done that) to make you resemble the undead even more then we already do. Its also really really good to acne prone skin....like mine! I've noticed that if I use the Olay lotion regularly I am much less likely to get spotty and my skin seems a bit more luminos and happy.

NUMERO DOS *if I misspelled that then forgive mwah....I sowwwwwy*

Depending on the state of your skin I really recommend you invest in a good BB cream, CC cream or foundation. Its probably best if you have all three but I mean, its not mandatory. I am super picky when it comes to BB creams, mostly because the makeup world decided that when it comes to the light foundations its okay to only make three shades -_-. Cause, I don't have enough issues finding a color match already.....

The best thing I have found that I really like is Sassy+Chic BB and CC cream. Its a dual action skincare and makeup and there is even one that has a good acne treatment formula. The best part though is YOU CAN BUY IT AT THE DOLLAR STORE FOR A BUCK! Literally, the best light BB cream I have ever found and its at the dollar store.....WOOOHOOOOO!!!! The palest shade is simply labeled Fair or Light and the pigment is almost white. Its wonderful.

Just a little something I noticed was that the BB cream and CC cream both had slightly different undertones. The CC cream is the whitest and probably the most neutral, while the BB cream had a faint pink base and the BB cream with Acne treatment has a sligh yellow undertone.  

All three are very breathable formulas and light on coverage but you can definately do some building if you feel like you need the extra bit of coverage :) *I know I definitely have those days....weeks.....months......okay off topic*

The only two drawback with these is that they don't last super long unless you powder them and they kiiiiiiiiiiinda smell like your grandmothers favorite powder cushion. A translucent powder is fine but you definitely need that staying power with these. Don't worry, the smell goes away as soon as you rub it into the skin.

You can apply these with a beauty blender but it doesn't get streaky if you want to go cave-man and use your fingers. You CAN apply it was a brush but eh, I don't like using brushes for foundations....that's just me.

ANYWAYS!!! I'm going to keep updating this and next time we will be taking foundations!!! DUH DUH DUUUUUUUUUUUH....don't worry I HAVE THE FREAKING BEST THING EVER!!!!!!

Love ya'll and have a great day, week or whatever!!!!

If you want me to talk about anything in particular please comment and let me know! I read all my comments and I love to reply to them as well :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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