Aloha Haole

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I could feel the sun gazing at me, it's rays lightly dancing on my tanned skin. The wind was playing with my hair, making my curls fall out of my untamed braid. This one of those moments where I could feel free and at peace. It's a beautiful day on the beach. The waves are gently rolling of each other, while a group of dolphins surfs along with them. Oh the days it used to be my surfboard touching the water, gliding along the smoothness of the waves.

" Fae! Why are you sitting here alone ? You know how dangerous it is this time of day on the beach! It's almost 5 !" And that my ladies and gentlemen,  is my annoying, cocky but also good looking best friend. "Aloha to you too Ricky. Aren't you getting bored on checking up on me ? It would have tired me ages ago ", I replied with a bored tone. Ricky chuckles lightly. "Oh come on Fae! Who would not be stoked to see me? I mean let's be honest here. Even the gods would die for this body", he said while gesturing towards his body.

I'm got to admit that this boy has a body , but he was so not my type. Ew gross. " Get your fat ass out of my way Prince Charming, I'm already late as it is." I quickly stand up , shaking all of the sand off and rush past Ricky. " Late for what babe?" One day I'm going to seriously punch him in his face for all his stupid nicknames. "The beach party babe", I replied smirking. "The one with all the dude's for tomorrow's surfing competition? ", Ricky asked while trailing behind me. "Yep."

"That's froth ! I'll pick you up at six ?". "Sounds shaka to me", I reply over my shoulder while looking at Ricky. I hop in my minivan, trying to make my way home. Reaching home , a question have crossed my mind. What am I going to wear? All my clothes consisted of ripped shorts and T's...or I could always look in that one abandoned bag mom have placed in my closet...A smile made it's way to my lips.

My mama knew exactly what I love. Opening the bag I found an absolute stunning outfit.  The white and blue floral piece fits me like a glove. I quickly grab a pair of sandals before rushing to my make up. I keep it light and simple not wanting to let the ocean air spoil it. I leave my hair in their natural state, symbolizing my soul for tonight. Free and untamed.

Ricky should be here any minute from n- BANG! BANG! "I'm coming ! Just spare the door for me would you ? Geez !"  Opening the door I was met by the sight of a half naked Ricky. As if he knew what I am going to say say his hand shot up signaling for me to wait.

"I know. Ricky where are your clothes? Well the answer to that is my dear is that I will be going in my swimming trunks because it's  hot and tonight I want to go swimming, but let's not ponder on it for to long. You look absolutely beautiful by the way", he says as he winks at me. "Looks like tonight I'm going to use my protective brother side to protect you from al of those dude's. " " Don't worry papa bear. I'm a big girl now and can look after myself".Ricky just shakes his head and mentions for me to get in his car.

Arriving at the beach, Ricky and I try to find our friends through he mass of people. Not even water will sober some of these surfers up. After searching for an hour we give up. "Let's just enjoy the party, I ain't gonna search all night for them.", Ricky says looking quite tired. "I'm going to grab us some drinks." "Sure". Ricky quickly made his way towards the bar. I spot a cozy tree trunk to sit on , but just as I turn around something hard knocks me off of my feet.

"Oh sorry! Didn't see you there babe ", a masculine voice says. Of course you didn't you jerk ! I should just- looking up I was met by the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. They almost mirror the blue of the ocean. His tan skin reflects in the fire light , while his blonde curls hungs loosely around his face.

"You should take a photo, it will last longer you know." Of course he would say that. Damn him and is handsomeness!  " I prefer to take photo's of something I would be interested in. I'm sorry that it doesn't involve you." He only smiles , showing off his perfect set of teeth. "Come on babe I know you want to." I scoff, kicking some of the sand in the process. " I'm not your babe."

"Oh but you could be ", he says while winking. I roll my eyes. "Thank you for helping me up again, but I should go and find my friend", and with that I turn around stomping away, searching for Ricky. At the bar Ricky sit, flirting with some blonde bomb. Probably American. Eh. I make my way over to Ricky, shoving the girl out of the way.

"Fae ! Just the girl I want to see! I've got your drink!" I only smile at Ricky, fully knowing that he was not busy this whole time with just the drinks. "Thanks Rick." "I actually want to introduce you to some friends of mine. They are from the Australian surfing team !" Without reasoning, Ricky pulls me towards one of the bombfires. Nearing a group i could make out one girl and two guys.

"Fae this is Alicia Tomsin." The beautiful brown eye girl smiles widely. "Nice meeting you mate. Ricky always tells us so much about you !" What ?! Ricky scratches the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable. "Uh yeah which not? this Jemery. Alicia's brother." Alicia and her brother looks as if they could've been identical twins.

"Nice to meet you. Forgive me for my bluntness, but you are really hot. I mean how much do you workout ?" Alicia gives her brother a smack on the arm. "Jeremy!" "What ? Australian doesn't own such talent! " Alicia rolls her eyes. "Excuse my brother Alicia. His hormones are on a roller-coaster tonight." I chuckle lighty.

"No problem. Do I have to remind you how Ricky gets?" Alicia laughs, nodding her head in agreement. "Fae that's so rude" , Ricky says while making a pouty face. "He even tells them that he is friends with the baywatch crew , just toimpress them." Alicia and i both laugh loudly."That's not fair Fae,I dont tell them about your hormones. " I make a poker and turn towards Ricky. "Don't you dare pretty boy." Ricky smiles and has a mysterious twinkle in his eyes.

"Maybe I will tell them an other time, because I haven't introduced you to everyone yet." My head turns back to the group , only to be hold once more by the perfect blue orbs."This here Fae, Andrew Patterson. He is the 6 time Rip Curl Surfing competition winner."

Winner my ass. I can't believe my luck tonight.Life is literally a beach.

"Hi mate."

" Aloha Haole "


Ah the first chapter released ! I'm excited to write the next one !
Let me know what you guys think  !

Much love xx

P.s the strange words in italics are terms that surfers use.

Aloha- hello
Froth- stoked /excited
Shaka - alright/ good
Dude's -cool person /sufer
Haole -foreigner

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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