First Day Begininngs

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Yeah my name is Jackie and sometimes I act wackie. I love to rhyme but right now is not the time. My body sure had changed during the summer. My beautiful kinky, coily and shrinky natural hair had grown. My baby hairs were showing their full potential. I got taller I was now 5"  and my body was starting to get that hourglass shape. I was going to be a thick sweet girl by the end of high school I feel it beginning. My skin color was like rich coffee beans. Walking the neighborhood dogs and my regular exercise had glowed me up. I was noticing my body so much more than usual as I got dressed for school. As I checked in the mirror my brown eyes sparkled with a excitement for the first day.



POV ~ Jackie

Today is my first day of high school hurrah. I've leveled up at making friends in elementary, time to put these power levels to good use. I was feeling on top of the world because I had dressed nice and smelled nice. I wore the biggest smile so people could see I meant no harm all this and more in my imagination. I passed by the living room mirror to see a frowny faced and slumped shoulders, a body language that just said leave me alone. This was my brain telling me who do I think I'm fooling but my heart was hopeful that we could make a change.

Exhale, now time for breakfast. I guess I'm feeling a little goldilocks today so I'll make porridge for breakfast. Also it was going to a be a long day and I need the strength to survive it. I was going to a new unknown territory and I was going to just go in with out worry like Goldilocks. Maybe I have time to finger coil my hair for the locks she had. No it would make me late .
Plus I have to catch a bus with other humans ugh if only I could avoid meeting them till I'm in the school building. Oh crap I'm school in my underwear and the bus is upon me quick I have to grab a dress. I have a lot because I'm lazy and putting on a shirt and pants or skirt is so much exercise. Ok so I walked out the house to the bus stop in front only to discover my time is wrong and I was too early for it. My lovely humans I think you call them parents. Yes my parents bought my lazy butt a bicycle to ride to school. Huff and puff I go while I struggled to school because it felt like riding but looked like a struggling and suffering teen which is the realest truth. From goldy to big bad wolf huffing and puffing with out getting the pork. I am a living fairy tale today. 


Ok so the red and gold bike did its torment now for the humans. But little do they know I have been prepped for this. Thanks to my new bike  guess its not so bad now. Its a pretty rad looking bicycle when your not on it. Ok now to lock it good. Now where's the map where's the map ? Crumpled in my pocket, crumpled in my pocket and to retrieve it and locate my class. I turn around to see this girl had been listening  my dora remix. She then smiles and sings where are we going and claps her hands. Now who is the weirdo I thought to myself as I straighten out my map. The girl introduced herself as a girl named Lianna she was a freshman just like me what were the odds I thought. I would imagine a lot of parents dropping off their precious baby teenagers. My parents were sleeping in at home from some outrageous party they went to. Lianna explained she lived with her aunt who worked two jobs, who was too tired and stressed to drive straight and they had not left the garage yet but her aunt managed to crash she told me. So she decided to use her roller blades. Lianna turned out to be in two of my classes. She was in history and theater with me. My other subjects include chemistry, dutch, history, math and english.  So we went adventuring towards our lockers. Another pleasant surprise her locker happened to be in line with mine on the left side of the hallway while mine is just to the right of hers unless we turned to face the canteen then it was the opposite way around. So I bid her good bye and followed the maps directions to my class which wasn't too far from my locker lucky me. Lianna was just two classrooms down so it was great so far.

So I strolled into the english class just two minutes before the bell. My teacher was bobbing his head with earphones in he was dressed pretty casual. His looked sported a plaid shirt which had elbow length sleeves which he had chosen to roll back a bit. Also included was a plain slightly faded jeans pants. His hair had a simple man bun. My class appeared to have around at least twenty children. I'll be sure after a class roll call. I also noticed my teacher had a tattoo sleeve as well as a nose piercing. Then the bell went riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. So loudly our teacher swung his feet off the desk so swiftly and stood up also in this motion he managed to remove his headphones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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