Weather Forecast Predicts Wedding

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Louis drove home slowly while Sarah sat in the backseat of the car so she could keep an eye on their twin boys Parker and Ryan who had turned six months that day, so Louis though it would be a good idea to take them down to the park so they could play around for a bit seeing as the weather was warm enough.

Sarah, who was sitting in the back seat of the car keeping the babies company, noticed how Louis seemed to be driving a bit absent mindedly, not saying anything but he really didn’t seem to be focusing on the road either.

“Babe…did you enjoy being at the park with us?” Asked Sarah putting a hand on Louis’ shoulder

“Of course I did!” Said Louis taking Sarah’s hand and kissing it “I know the boys loved it as well…Remember Parker’s face when we put his feet on the grass?”

Sarah laughed remembering how her baby had giggled at the touch of the grass against his little feet so she turned to look at him

“Did you like playing in the park?” She asked while she tickled Parker’s tummy

The baby giggled again and Sara smiled in delight

“Oh crap!” Said Louis

“What happened?” Asked Sara turning to look at him again

“It’s raining!” Said Louis sounding really disappointed

“Well at least it rained after we had left the park…and we’re almost home so it’s no big deal” Said Sarah

She looked at Louis through the rear view mirror and noticed how he seemed really annoyed but she couldn’t understand why. She also noticed how he sped towards the house rather than drive slowly like he was doing just a few minutes ago.

“Hun…There’s no rush you know…” Said Sarah

“I Just want to get home quickly…I’m not feeling well” Explained Louis

“Would you like me to drive instead?” Asked Sarah feeling a bit concerned

“Nah...It’s fine” Said Louis

“Well, if you say so…” Said Sara going back to focusing on both babies talking to them and trying to keep them awake by playing with them and making faces until they got home which thankfully wasn’t much further.

She looked at Louis from time to time and couldn’t help but worry at how he was behaving. First he was fine at the park, then he looked distracted and now he looked even more annoyed if it was possible as the rain intensified from a little drizzle to an absolute downpour. She didn’t know what was wrong with him and she was concerned that he was stressing out too much about everything again.

They had only been together for a year when she found out she was pregnant but to her surprise Louis had been fine about it, even happy. From that day on she was the most spoiled pregnant woman in the world. He took care of her unconditionally and was over the moon when they found out they were having twins. But she noticed how he started stressing out when his schedule became more hectic and he had to go on tour, so it meant he couldn’t be there for her 100% of the time like he usually did.

Sarah was fine with it because she understood how hectic his job was at times, but she also understood how he felt that his job was interfering with his personal life, so much that he was likely to miss the birth of his babies. Luckily for both of them Louis was able to make it on time and he didn’t miss the day when Parker and Ryan came into the world.

Before she knew it Louis was pulling up at their driveway, complaining at how slow the garage door was opening

“Lou… what the…” Sarah began to say but before she finished Louis opened the door and got out of the car leaving her there with the babies

Weather Forecast Predicts Wedding (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now