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Chapter 1

I sit in the cold metal chair waiting. Just sitting and waiting, for what feels like 1 hour. They say being left alone before our test calms our nerves down, but the only thing I feel is anxious. Some may call it fear, but I sat that it is a burst inside that spreads just wanting to get it over with. Not wanting. Needing to get this test over with.

Some say, this apptitude test is no big deal, but others say every move we make after we drink the hallucination liquid determines the rest of our life. Everyday until we die.

My feet jitter, and my finger tips begin to tremble so I set them underneath my thighs. The cold chair makes my skin feel like it has a thin, shiny layer of plastic that grows tighter and tighter with preasure. I begin to be impatient as they let me sit in the breezy white room.

I shout, "When will the test begin?" This test is called the facion test. I yell for my test instructor, knowing she is right on the inside of the white curtain in the corner of the room. I hear a whisper and then the short women with black hair comes out with a small purple cup.

As she comes closer, I realize that it is not the cup that is purple. It is the hallucination liquid that has a purple glow. The cup is clear, the size of her small palm. She hands it to me with a look of, "Well what are you waiting for? Drink up!"

The purple liquid struggles its way down my throat as my vision darkens. I just remembered, the waiting before the test was a part of it. I take a wild guess that I had failed the patience part. I mentally scratch Abnegation off of my list of possible factions.

My sight turns pitch black and I fall into a deep sleep. I hear my name being called from the downstairs of my house. I am suddenly in my comfortable, warm, welcoming bed in my room. I hate when I am disturbed when I am sleeping. "Victoria! Victoria, come down and get your breakfast!"

I groan and step down out of my covers but my feet never meet the ground. I am suddenly out of my daze, because confusion flutters my brain. I never thought that I would have to ask where the ground is. The door is on the other side of my room. A voice comes from no where, but it is still distinguishable, that I know what the voice says. "Jump!" I start to revolt against the directions given, "But the--" "Jump!" The voice yells it even louder this time.

Jumping a far distance has never been a thing that I was good at. Instead, I decide to climb out the window above my bed and jump to the ground there. The setting suddenly changes. I am standing in a room I have never seen before. I hear a howl. I recognize this from when I was a child. I was afraid of the faint howl of a cyotte.

The coyote's howl grows louder and louder and the giant body is then plummeting toward me. There are two bowls on the ground. In one, there is a small, short and thick rope. In the other is a small hand gun.

I hear a scream. A young girl's scream come from the corner. I turn my head. The girl is now the coyotes prey. The familiar voice starts instructing me again. "Pick--" I interrupt the voice halfway through its words, "Yeah, yeah. I know what needs to be done." And I did know. I had to pick one of the two options from either bowl on the ground.

I took both items from the bowls beside me and slowly walk towards the coyote creeping up to the screaming young girl. My pounce onto the beast knocks it down, I tie his jaw down to keep it from biting, and safely stand up again.

I shoot the gun into the air having no idea were the bullet will end up. I have never in my life time shot a gun. The boom knocks me back onto the ground but the coyote hurls out a wince and gallops off and disappears into no where. I stand up with my the back of my brain pounding against my skull.

I turn my head. The coyote is gone, but the little girl still stands there alone looking me straight in the eye. I guess I didn't get a close look at her before becuase I definatley did not realize who that little girl was. She looks so familiar as I inch closer. It is me. Or should I say, was.

The metal chair is brisk against my skin once again as I flinch out of my sleep. I carefully open my eyes still feeling my heart pound against my chest. I look for the test instructor, but she is no where to be found. The curtain is wide open, when I see a computer and hundreds of wires.

Maybe this is still part of the test? Maybe there is more waiting involved? My head turns toward the small speaker in the corner of the room when a male's blurred voice says, "Attention. There was a problem with a boys test, but now everything is fine and the faction tests may proceed. Sorry for this interruption."

I wonder what went wrong? I start to think about my younger brother, John. I shake my head in disapproval. He has never been confused on what faction he will have. He has always been Erudite, caring of others before himself. Me on the other hand, I could be anything.

The door suddenly cracks open and I see the short, black haired women standing there with a fearful look in her eye. "Why did you leave?" I ask. She starts, "I apologize to you that I left. There has been a--" she pauses. "Your test-- was inconclusive." I look down and look back up again. "What does that mean?" She explains, "Your test was inconclusive, which means you are divergent. I will delete the data, and you can choose to retake the test. It would be a whole new simulation."

"Do I have any other choices?" I ask. "You may choose the go home, but this means that your test results will stay inconclusive forever, even if I change it in your file. If you choose this, then I must warn you. Divergence is very dangerous."

I lean my head back on the cold chair. I have heard about divergence before, but I do not understand why it is dangerous. As I think, she starts up again, "As you waited, that was the patience part of the exam. You asked when the test would start which crosses of Abnegation, but that also shows determination so that is still an option. When the young girl was in the test, she was supposed to be faceless, but she was you when you were a child. That showed fear, but bravery when you tied the coyotes jaw shut."

I start to block her out as I think. I cannot be the only one that was afraid of coyotes when I was a child. I could not have been the only one who did those same things during the test. I look at her face, she looks so scared of something. I start to wonder if it has anything to do with the other boy who had something go wrong with his test.

Maybe he is divergent too, and maybe he is in trouble. He was a whole announcement. Maybe my test instructor is trying to protect me. I start to think about taking the test again, but I decide I do not want to. That hallucination liquid made my stomach upset, and if divergence is dangerous, I should get out while I can before anyone finds out about me too, just like the other boy. I say, "I just want to go home." And she lets me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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