Bill & Will switch dimensions. How will they get back to there own, and will they want to?
(this is before the show ended, idk a good place for this to start. Also all art in here is not mine unless said other wise.)
This is sorta not Billdip. Every...
"Wa?! Where the hell am I?" I question out loud as I awake, looking around, I'm in a prison. The ground is damp and cold and this prison is maybe 7ft by 5ft. When I looked past the bars, which is hard cause it is so dim, there is a thin hallway. It seems it leads to more cells. I figure I'm in the first cell because the stair case leading down here is right outside my cell to the left. Looking around more I notice there are shackles on the back wall, all rusted and looking unused for maybe a hundred or so years.
'How the dreamscape did I get here?' I think to myself.
I get up an walk to the bars, when I go to go through them it's like I'm physical matter. I am physical matter! 'I'm in a human body, has a deal gone wrong? Why can't I remember anything?!
I try testing my powers. They seem to work, I'm still able to float and make fire balls.. But something feels off. Who's body am I in?
All of a sudden I hear a door open, the sound coming from up the stair case. Then footsteps of someone walking down the concrete steps. I watch and wait till I'm met with the male pine twin, Dipper, appearing from the darkness, 'he looks different'.
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He walks towards the bars reading that damn notebook. His hand glows with a blue flame, a flame that looks all to familiar, and he is using it as a reading light.
'What the dreamscape is going on here?' I think... To my surprise, there's a reply.
"Will, what do you mean whats going on?! Your being punished!"
"Will? Really Pines? Will?" I question walking back and forth talking with my hands. Before turning towards him and pointing my figure at him, "and how did you know what I was thinking? And don't talk to m-" The shirt collar of the body I'm in is grabbed swiftly and pulled to the bars, hitting my head on them.
"I should be the one saying don't talk to me like that! Oh and where did you get all this courage from? Cry baby! Your my pet so stop being disobedient! And why did you call me Pines!" He screamed not letting go, his spit landing on my face. It's not like I minded the pain, but coming from pines, it royally pissed me off. "ANSWER ME YOU DUMB PEICE OF SHIT!" He screams again.
"Hahaha hahaha, Pines you've became not so wimpy since I last saw you. Come on hit me again, its been a while since I've felt pain." I say with a crazy look in my eye.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Will?!" He yelled in frustration letting go of my collar, dropping me to the floor and into a puddle. "You can't act tough forever!" He exclaimed, entering the prison.
'Haha this is my chance.'I thought while jumping at him, but then all of a sudden my arms are pulled back.. I look back hastily, there are blue chains holding me back.
"Haha, Will did you forget that you can't hurt me?" Pines laughs through his words, wiping a tear from his eye. A little of a over reaction in my opinion. "Now your going to pay for being disobedient.."
The prison door shut behind him on its own without him even glancing at it. He crouched down and looked at me with a smug look on his face. "This will be fun."
"Heh, give me all you got got Pine tree" *slam* he threw me against the wall of the prison with a quick movement of his hand, not even touching me. Cracking one of my ribs on impact. Causing me to spit up blood. "Really is that all? You can do more than that!" I teased. Pines look taken aback for a few seconds before standing his ground again.
"Will, like I said before, you can't act tough forever, it's not in your nature. Your just making things harder on yourself."
"Well then. Let's make things hard." I grin. Pines stares at me for a few seconds rubbing his fingers together in one hand down by his hip, his arms to their sides. Right before making a fist and turning around,not facing me. I can see from behind him he moves one of his hands from his side up to his face. Maybe rubbing his chin. He then turns back to me moving his hand next to his face and all fingers extended like a stop sign. His eyes were closed still. Then the silence was broken and his hand changed from a stop sign to pointing towards the ceiling.
"I got it." He says as though he has a idea. Again his hand begins to move, this time as if its leading a orchestra. Suddenly my arms are pulled back again, lifting me off the ground by my wrists and pulling me up against the wall. I look back to see the blue chains, but as I watch them they stop glowing and seem to become stainless steal as they finish coming into exsistence. So shinny I can see my morphed reflection in them. They seem to reappear on command. Guessing that's why they don't use the real shackles. Looking up at where these magic shackles are attach, it come to my attention they aren't really attached to anything, but I can't tell because its base it always blurred and out of view, as if to keep me from seeing.
Turning back towards Pines I see the cell door reopen, and a cart full of tools is let in, the door closing behind it. Analysing the tools I see knifes, swords, different vials of different substances, and a assortment of different magical items.
'Holy shit this is going to fun.'
As I think that I get a weird look from Pines. "What? I mean its been forever since I felt pain." I answer.
"Heh, whatever you say bud." He says with a smirk as he puts some gloves on.. "Whatever you say.."