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Prologue: The beginning.

Perrie's POV

"Girls let's go shopping" I yelled while jumping on my massive queen sized bed.

"But I didn't bring my credit card with me" Jade wined.

"Oh c'mon it's okay I will just take dad's card" I said with a smile.

"Well if you're sure let's go" Leigh-Ane said while getting up to put her shoes on.

I run out of my room to my dad's home office.

"Hey dad! The girls and I are going shopping, can you please give me your card" I asked him with a smile.

"Yeah of course sweet heart" He replied with a smile.

After taking the card and putting my jacket on we were on our way to the mall.


We have been jumping from store to store buying what ever we like from the most expensive brands that exist for three hours now.

"Girls I am tired and my hands are starting to ache from all these bags I am carrying" Jesy wined.

We were each carrying at least ten shopping bags in each hand.

"How about we go eat something" Jade suggested.

"Nandos" I yelled.

The girls shook there heads at me.

"You are a Nandos addicted girl" Leigh-Ane said.

"I can't help it" I said with a big smile.

We ate and chatted for two more hours before we went back home because tomorrow we have school.


My private driver just dropped me off in front of the school gates

All of a sudden I got the feeling that someone was watching me.

I got the exact same feeling yesterday wen we were at the mall, but I decided to brush it off.

But today this feeling was stronger and I am started to get scared.

"PERRIE" Jade suddenly yelled in my face.

"What" I snapped.

"We have been trying to catch your attention for the past five minutes are you okay?" Jesy asked.

"Oops sorry I didn't mean to and yes I'm fine" I said with a smile.

"If you say so, let's go before we are late to class" Leigh-Ane said.

Once we were in the school's hallway we went straight to our lockers, we had them next to eachother thanks to my dad.

After grabbing my needed books we made our way to our first period and also tank you dad because the girls and I had the same time table.


I absolutely hate maths, I don't understand anything the teacher is talking about.

This is going to be a long morning.

When arrived to the classroom there was one table with two seats left so Leigh-Ane and Jesy sat next to each other.

But the problem was that there was to seats left one next to the nerd and the other next to a hot punk.

Jade immediately went and took the seat next to the punk.

Leaving me no other choice than to sit next to the nerd.

I glared at Jade before I took the seat next to... Niall... I think was his name.

"Oh my God Perrie how much you are going to suffer those two periods of maths next to that" Elise said with her annoying squeaky voice.

I glared at her I might not be the biggest fan of Niall but that doesn't I will go and insult him, he is still a human that has feelings.

"Mind your own business girl" I snapped at her.

"No need to get snappy" she rolled her eyes before turning her back to me.

"Bitch" I mumbled.

I took a glance at Niall he was texting someone and he seamed really concentrated.

I wonder who he is texting.

It's none of your business Perrie!

The teacher finally came in, he told us to open our books to the page 107 and to start working on the numbers that are present on this page, in total we had 10 exercises.

I started working, well I tried to at least, before I gave up after not understanding the first equation of the first number.

I took a look at Niall's note book... and Oh my God He was already at the tenth exercise.

How the hell did he do it? We just started like twelve minutes ago.

Niall looked up meeting my gaze, he smiled at me and he hesitated before speaking.

"D-do you want me to help you?" He asked in a whisper.

"Uhmm, I would really appreciate it if you would" I said back with soft smile.

"Of course, here I will gave the easiest way to resolve this one" Niall said before he started explaining to me.

After about ten minutes I could easily resolve a whole problem without any problem. (Ps: I am so weird 😂😂😂)

"Thank you so much you so much, I never thought I would to resolve a whole maths problem without any mistakes" I beamed at him.

"You are verry welcome" he said.

Suddenly the class room door was opened and a man who looked like he was in his mid forties and two other guys who looked my age were standing there.

"Niall Horan can I please talk to you" the man asked.

"First, why are Payne and Malik with you? Shouldn't they be doing what I asked them to do?" Niall asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually we wanted to talk to you about this" the brunette one said with a shaky voice.

"I swear to God if you messed this up you are going to regret  coming here to tell me" Niall was fuming.

He stood up and made his way out of the class room.

The three men following after him with the older one closing the door.

Everybody was shocked, we have never seen Niall like this.

Who is the real Niall Horan?

I have no answer to the question I just asked to myself...

A New Story
Coming on Friday the 22nd of June
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981 words


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