Chapter One: Viola

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Alone. Friendless. Bullied. That's what 16-year-old Viola Yang is.

Viola comes from a wealthy family, her parents own a fashion company called Blossom Designs Industries. She and her family may be rich, but they're very kind and down-to-earth. She's a senior in Wellings High School while her older brother and sister Lilian and Tyler are in Spade College and her younger brother Maxwell is in his third year in Barns High School.

Despite all of this, Viola is bullied by the "A's", who are the queen bees of the school. The group members are Julia Dorian, Mara Kang, Erica Gray and Lucina Torres. Everyday, the four of them would taunt Viola or even do worst things such as vandalizing her locker or even pour water on her from a bucket with most of her classmates laughing at her while some of them didn't try to help. Another thing about her is that she has high-functioning autism.

What they didn't know is that they caused her to harm herself. Since her second year of high school, her life had been a living hell. She hides her scars in her uniform. Her family is unaware of the situation.

As Viola walks in the school, she is blocked by the people she considered her worst nightmares.

- "Oh look, it's the freak!" said Julia while her friends started laughing.

- "Look at you, all freaked up. Who are you gonna impress? The prince of ogres?" asked Lucina.

- "Just leave me alone!" said Viola.

- "Just leave me alone!" imitated Mara with a mocking tone.

- "How can we leave you alone when you're the perfect candidate for us to have fun with? Remember how much fun we had when we poured maple syrup all over your hair? You left a good impression on the school. By "good impression", I mean you made the whole school laugh." Said Erica.


- "No, stop! Let me go!" screamed Viola as she was restrained by Mara and Erica.

- "Aww come on, we just wanna make your hair nice and unforgettable!" said Julia as she holds a bottle of maple syrup.

- "Pour it on her!" said Lucina.

Julia pours the maple syrup on Viola's head and Lucina starts re-doing her hair until it becomes unkempt and messy. As she was done "styling" her hair, Viola looks in the mirror and becomes shocked.

- "What have you done?" asked Viola.

- "We just wanna make you more stylish! Now you look more than a freak than before. Come on, let's show the world your new look!" said Erica.

Mara went in the hallway and told everyone about how they re-did Viola's hair in a loud voice. This caused the hallway to be crowded. As Viola walks out of the girls' bathroom, the students began to laugh at her and started taking pictures with their cellphones.

- "What a loser!"

- "Freak!"

- "They did her hair well!"

- "So slutty with that hair of hers!"

- "We shall call it 'Viola's Walk Of Shame'."

- "That's a great idea!"

- "No wonder she has no friends!"

- "She deserves to be alone!"

Viola walks towards her locker and it has a note that says 'Viola Yang is a bitch!'. Viola's tears began to fall as she looks down on the ground, clenching her fists. This happened during her fourth year.

*flashback ends*

Angered at that memory, Viola pushes Julia and runs off towards the entrance.

- "How dare she push me? This bitch will pay!" said Julia, filled with anger.

Meanwhile, Viola looks at her schedule and she sees that her first class is History with Mrs. Polaris. She enters the classroom and sits on a random desk. She looks around the classroom and lets out a sigh of relief since none of the queen bees are her classmates in History.

Viola pulls up one of her sleeves, revealing the scars she inflicted upon herself with a razor blade and pulls it down before anyone else can see it. This was to remind her of the pain she felt.


Viola goes in one of the cubicles in the girls' bathroom and locks it.

- "Why do I have to live like this?" said Viola in a low tone.

The girl took out a razor blade, pulled up one of her sleeves and started cutting herself. Viola bites her lips in order to not scream from the pain. Tears started coming out of her eyes. Blood came out of her arm and Viola wiped it off with tissue paper dipped in water from her water bottle.

*flashback ends*

- "If only there's someone I can call a friend. If only there's a miracle." Mumbled Viola as she looks at the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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