Messaline's Second War

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Disclaimer: I do not claim to have any rights to the characters, planets and objects and concepts used in this story. Except my OCs:Corporal Jones,General Grefin and General Cretif and my original storyline.

After the Tenth Doctor witnesses Captain Adelaide Brook’s death, he decides to visit an old friend in order to raise his spirits.

“I’ve only got a couple more trips left in me. I’ve got to visit some old friends…And in this case, relatives ’’ The Doctor mutters to his ancient time machine  as he operates it and looks around as if expecting something to jump out at him. “There, this should be where Jenny is buried, her home planet of Messaline” The Doctor said calmly as he stepped out of the TARDIS and onto the dry, dusty ground of Messaline.

That’s not right, the Doctor said to himself. Why is it so dirty? The war stopped and the Source had turned Messaline in to a clean, beautiful planet last time he was here.

Suddenly the Doctor's thoughts were interuptted by a raspy voice. “Halt, who goes there?” asked a rather old human who seemed to be the leader of a party of two humans and two Hath who were armed with futuristic looking guns.

“I’m the Doctor. And you are Corporal Jones by the look of it. I’ve been here before and I thought the war was over. Why are you carrying guns”? The doctor exclaimed looking rather confused.

“Your not…. the Doctor are you? I mean the one who ended the Human-Hath War two centuries ago?” stammered Corporal Jones with an astonished expression on his wrinkly, friendly face.

“Yes…I am the Doctor…but” the Doctor was cut off when the Hath-Human group told him to be quiet as they bowed to two people, one Human male and one Hath female, saying in unison “General Grefin and General Cretif how are you?”

“Good thanks, soldiers. Who is this man and what is he doing without a gun in his hand?” the Human male said to Corporal Jones.

“I’m the Doctor, General, and I don’t use guns. Rather nasty things, guns. All they do is destroy and destroy. I don't like destruction.” the Doctor commented with an intense loom in his eye.

“You have no choice Doctor. You can either join in our hunt to save our people or be handcuffed to the wall in an old theatre. Actually, you could be useful as an interpreter. It’s a terrible bore for the humans, translating for every Hath on the planet…no offence General Cretif.”  The Human male General Grefin remarked with a voice that suggested he had grown tired of war.

“Leave your complaining to yourself human" the Hath female said with a bitter tone." But how can you understand the speech of my kind, Doctor. Is it a special translating device or are you simply an experienced traveler?"

“Ah…I’m an experienced traveler” The Doctor said, looking back at the TARDIS with a nervous grin.

“Do you travel alone?” General Cretif said with a kind voice.

“I used to travel with companions but not anymore.” The Doctor said drifting into his own thoughts. “But why are you at war again and who are you fighting”?

“We are fighting the most deceitful, twisted beings in the universe… they call themselves the Axons. They convinced us they were peaceful travelers, forced to abandon their home planet due to war. Naturally after the Human-Hath War two centuries past, we try to help any refugees that war brings upon us. Originally we thought they were gentle and generous people although they turned out to be too generous for some of our people to resist. They gave out a gift called Axonite to anyone who would take it, claiming it has the power to become anything your mind can think of. Everyone wanted as much Axonite as they could get, and soon civil war grabbed our planet with its merciless hands. Friends and neighbors turned on each other just to get their greedy hands on Axonite and soon the Haths and Humans were divided again. In half a year the civil war had killed half of the Hath and half of the Human population.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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