Friendship or More?

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They walk down a dark alleyway, in fear of someone watching. Crona turns to Maka lovingly hoping she won't notice. Maka turns her head slightly to look at Crona. Crona immediately to his left, staring at the dark red-brown brick wall. Maka stares at him.

"Crona, what's wrong?" She says nicely.

"Uh, n-nothing, Maka... heh heh." Crona chuckles, nervous.

Ragnarok shares thoughts with Crona so he know what is going through his head.

"What are you doing, you dumbass?" Ragnarok says by thinking.

Crona replies, "Rag you know i don't know how to deal with my crush on Maka..."


"Rag you know I can't! I don't know how! I need time." Crona pries.

He looks at Maka again and revells in the sparkle in her eyes.

"I wish I could have her, Rag. But I don't know how to deal with dating... plus, she may not like me." Crona thinks.

"Well, dummy you should try! Ask her now!" Ragnarok replies.

"I... I need help, Rag." Crona pleads.

"No you don't, idiot! Just go for it or I'll do it for you!" Ragnarok threatens.

"No! If you do that you'll ruin it! Fine, I'll try."

Crona turns to Maka, right when she opens her mouth and says,

"Aren't the stars pretty, Crona?"

Crona smiles, being horribly obvious. "Heh heh, yeah, they are..."

"You look like you're hiding something. Is there something you want to tell me?" Maka says, sitting down on a trashcan. Crona starts sweating, unsure of what to say.

"Uh... well, you see, I uh..." Maka looks at him with a stern look.

"What? Why are you sweating? Are you nervous?"

Crona is sweating even more, now. After a short silence, he blurts out,

"Maka, I really like you!" He makes a scared expression and slaps his hand across his mouth.

"What? You like me? Really?" Maka says, clearly startled.

Crona thought he had blown it for good.

"It's over, oh no, what have I done?" Crona thinks.

Ragnarok says, "Okay, I'm coming out now!"

Crona replies, "No, Rag, wait!"    

Ragnarok bursts out of Crona's spine, startling Maka.

"Maka, believe him! He really does like you! I think he wants to date you!" Ragnarok says, assertively.

"Maka! I'm sorry, I've obviously scared you." Crona walks to the other side of the alley. He shrinks down to the ground, squeezing his legs. Maka looks at Crona, a calm, kind look in her eyes.

"Crona, I, I need to say something too." Crona looks up at her, he feels the heat of his cheeks, the held back tears of worry trying to spill.

"Crona, don't cry, I like you too..." Maka smiles, blushing like mad. She reaches her gloved hand up to her face and turns away. She stands up and comes closer to Crona. She takes his hands into hers. She takes his right hand up to her mouth and kisses it lightly. Crona blushes, not knowing what's going on.

"B-but... what about Soul?" Crona stutters, his voice shaking.

"What about him? He doen't have to know, or maybe he would be better on his own. He's more of a solo guy, you know."

Crona blushes even redder. He wasn't expecting this to happen. Maka leans in closer to him. Crona shakes with nervous adrenaline. He REALLY wasn't expecting that to happen! As Maka leans closer and closer, ever nearer to Crona's lips. To her, they are a target, so soft and sweet looking, wheras Crona feels hunted, scared of what'll happen next. Crona goes limp as he did when Maka first hugged him that day in the ruins. During the battle against his mother, Medusa. Maka contacts with his lips, almost hungry, full of lust. She had been waiting for this moment and now it's finally here. She was going to let all out and she wasnt stopping now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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