Inability to eat

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It's the only thing you can think about when you're hungry.

So hungry...

But for some people, there's a point when they stop feeling it.

When they stop feeling the clawing feeling at their stomach that's begging for food. For them, it's like pure bliss once they reach that point. Not having to worry about having to eat, and maybe even losing those pounds they've been trying to get rid of since forever.

But what they don't realize is that the complete opposite is happening. And even if they do realize, they refuse to acknowledge it.

It's all understandable, however, for that feeling is just too great. Too addicting. Too pleasurable. It's an addiction; once you've felt it once, you want to feel it again and again and again, for all of their lives.

I need to stop... This isn't good. But it feels so good. The best thing I've ever felt in my life! I can't stop. I need this feeling...

The problem is, inside their bodies are suffering greatly, crying out in agony. But these people have learned to ignore it. They completely ignore the fact that they are slowly killing themselves.

Of course, there's a point in which they start feeling it again, with a more powerful force than ever. It's worse than anything they'll ever feel and they want it to end.

When will it end?! Make it end. Please just MAKE IT END!

But it won't end. Not for a long time. It will only get worse, steadily, until they can take it no more.

To make it worse, eating is nearly impossible. Any time they try to eat to try and relieve the immense hunger, it only gets worse. To an outsider, it may seem as if they are exaggerating the pain. But what they don't realize is that it's worse than they could ever imagine.

Some choose to end it once and for all. They end themselves.

And some are so determined to make it through, hopeful that it will end one day.

These people keep suffering day after day. Month after month. And it keeps going on and on, until the days are just one big painful blur.

Until one day, when they wake up feeling better than ever. They're suspicious at first, first making sure that it never comes back. Then, when they are satisfied, they are happier than they have ever been.

It's like a miracle, as they were beginning to lose hope.

This is the best I've ever felt! Maybe all that pain was worth it after all!

But then one day, it comes back. Not as strong as before, but still strong enough to make them want to curl up into a ball and die there.

It goes away later, but leaves them with a sudden, painful realization.

This will never end. It will always come back.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is something that popped in my head while I was thinking of something to write for a writing prompt on DeviantART. (My username on there is ScorchedMelody.)

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