Hello!! ^^

690 11 4

This is not an update

Hello!! My name is Andi and this is my first story (that I haven't deleted or unpublished loool), I hope you enjoy this and please anticipate for upcoming updates. Some of you may remember me as andi_loves_kpop and my fanfiction "Adopted By EXO" which I have discontinued, sorry to disappoint you lot. I unpublished it because I seriously had no motivation to keep writing. However, I promise to try my best to stay motivated in continuing my stories.

About this book

This story may contain harsh language but I will keep it to a limit :)) I love requests because it keeps me writing and gives me more ideas. If you'd like to request something like a scenario or anything like that then I'll try my best to do it.

How do I request for something?

All you have to do is private message me saying:
- scenario
- what members (you can use one or two other members from NCT127/U but keep it to a minimum as this is mainly about NCT Dream as you can tell by the title)
- genre (e.g; fluff)

I only do memberxmember sorry!

Thank you for reading this and as I've said before.. please anticipate for more updates! <3

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