~ chapter 1 ~

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Molly's pov

Today was beautiful. Blue skies, yellow sunshine. Big white fluffy clouds that float with the sky as the wind carries them across the whole earth. Everything is perfect,

That is....all until that one fateful day of highschool. It was the first day. I was a little nervous seeming im the only girl in my class that extremely shy and anti-social. My name is molly and i go to a private highschool in a little state called ohio. I have to say its a weird private school. Usually they would make us wear uniforms but i guess they gave an exception to some of the girls clothing. Me on the other hand i prefer pastel colored outfits. My favorite colors are pink,purple, baby pink, and a little bit of baby blue. Today was special though, so i put on my favorite pink dress. It reached down to my knees, had a white collar on the neck part of the shirt and i wore white knee high socks to match it and a pair of white doll shoes. I had my hair up as well. I pulled into two fluffy pony tails on each side of my head.

( idky but here's a description on what she looks like. Long brown hair. Green eyes and milky white skin.)

I shuffled my skirt a little as i walked towards my school. Its my senior year. Last year of highschool. Hopefully i don't get stuck with the same girls that bullied me last year. All because i liked anime and cartoons. Plus im just too shy and a freak to them, it's not my fault im shy. Im not use to being around alot of people. Sighing i made it to the front of the school gates, slowly though. I really don't like school so much. Mostly cuz of the other girls picking on me. But i make it through the day and i head back home. Lost in thought i didn't see the three figures that stood in front of me. One in front grabbed me by my collar and pushed me against the wall with a loud thud. Gasping for air i looked up at her and fear shook me from top to bottom.

Britney. The meanest girl in school, well to her shes the most popular girl in school. Her long blonde curly hair, blue eyes, white skin and pink puffy lips. ( looks like she had plastic surgery on them.) she sneered a smile down at me and pushed me in to the wall more. " well well. Look what the dog dragged in. I say dog cuz that what you are. A good for nothing mutt! What did i say would happen of you came back to school?". I didn't answer her, all i did was just keep my head down and my eyes to the side. Big mistake. Two seconds after she asked i felt a stinging pain on the side of my cheek. I yelped in pain and my hand shot up to my now pinkish red cheek. Tears formed in my eyes as she just stood there....laughing at me. " awww are you gonna cry now? Why not go cry to your mommy~ you titty baby~". That did it. I have had enough of this. Pushing her off i build up all of my courage and screamed at her in anger. "I've had it with you! Im done being a freakin stepping mat for you! Leave me alone brittney! You....you...you plastic barbie doll!". Silence broke out between me and her, the face she was making was complete horror then it turned in to a smirk. " finally you stood up...but still...its not going to go unpunished.". My eyes widened in terror as i saw her two minions walk up behind her. She flipped her hair and turned away form us sway walking in to the school. " take that loser to the dumping grounds. You know....where that legendary story of humans and ehem...' monsters' took place. Throw her down the hole.".

They both laughed and grabbed on to my arms and dragged me to the mountain called MT. EBOT. I struggled at their grips only to have them grip tighter and pull me to the edge of the mountain. They pushed me forward and pointed. " keep walking. We'll be right behind you.". Shivering in fear i slowly stood to my feet i began to walk forward with them following me close behind.

When we reached up to a cave they grabbed me again and dragged me again taking me to a giant hole in the cave we walked in to. They spun me around and laughed at my scared face. " awe it's too bad you won't be going to our school anymore. I'll let the teachers know you transfered.". After that they both pushed me back and i fell in to the abyss below with a high scream and landed with a thud. Looking back up at them they both were looking down at the hole with worried expressions. " oh shit is she dead?" " I don't know your the one who pushed her!". " we need to get out of here." " wait push her bag down as well." " alright". Silence then a soft thud landed next to me and faint footsteps leaving the cave. Sitting up i stared at the top of the cave. Im trapped down here. Standing up while picking my bag up i noticed i landed on a patch of yellow flowers. I guess they cushioned my fall. Looking around more i saw a long hall like cavern. Walking down there i found a gap leading to another room. Going in to this room i stopped while gazing down at a little flowered hunched over to the side. It sounded like it was crying. Walking to it more i heard a small tiny gasp and the flower shot up and looked at me.

I yelped and fell back on to my butt while looking down at the flowers. "Easy. I..i won't hurt you.. Your a human huh. Not the best thing to be down here. It's a kill or be killed world down here. My name is flowey....flowey the flower."

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