Have you ever felt an instant connection to someone,
The first few words are amongst
The best moments had, it always feels mutual
But it never is, feeling an instant chemistry
That might seem never ending
But its never mutual, one yearns for another encounter
That never seems to come, it lasts for minutes, hours, days and sometimes months
But it never lasts.
IMAGINE a world where meeting a friend was magical,
But you get one out of a thousand where this happens,
Where having a mutual understanding with a friend,
Would be easily made, easily felt, easily understood,
But instead we live in an opposite world.
I've seen you, I've known you and I've felt your touch
Oh how cold it is, like frostbite on a winter morning
Echoes from the bellows of a beast when you say HELLO.
Heart strong never allowing you to hurt me again
I speak only how i feel and how you've made me feel.
I wait, oh so ever ready to get another peep from you
But all my hopes are thrown away like a mother welcoming a stillborn child, a crying heart made strong by so many encounters with friends that don't last.
I believe solemnly in friendship, true love and hope but i find my comfort in loneliness, and loss.
Hear my message, FIRST MOMENT FRIENDS.
Plunge Into My Thoughts
PuisiThe poems i write give a description of the way i see life and the way its been lived by myself and the people around me, you'll see poems that may not make any sense but if you look deeper you'll see the twisted and complicated way i represent life...