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~At the cemetery~

Luna's P.O.V.

Why? Why does this have to happen?

If only I can turn back time,  we would have been able to stop the symptoms of his disease from developing, then my brother would have been alive.But it's too late now, what's done is done. Oh how I wish that we are still complete by now, but I'm all alone now. I only have one question in my head.

Is this really the consequences of my actions? If so, is there no way out of this?

As I stared at the tombstone with the name, Rin Saphiro, someone suddenly hugged me from behind. I turned around, surprised, only to see a friend of my brother and mine, Sebastian Fraye, in tears.

"..Hey, what's with the sad looking face?" I ask, curious on why is he even crying just now.

"I-I'm sorry, for everything that happened. If it wasn't for me then Rin would have been here with us." he said while sobbing

"It's alright Seb, there's probably a reason on why he was taken from us, it might have been his time already, so don't worry about it. Besides, there are lots of ways for us to overcome this kind of problem." I said, comforting him.

"Like what?" he asked me, a bit unsure. Really, this guys needs to loosen up at some point.

"Doing your hobbies is one example." I said, though hobbies are normally done if you're bored.

"But all of my hobbies are the same ones with Rin.." he said while looking away.

"It's okay that we are that close, but don't you think this is getting a bit out of hand? I mean, sure we have the same hobbies, but the only thing that's different now is that Rin is no longer here with us to do our hobbies, but that doesn't mean that we're going to top from moving forward! Maybe this is just what we need, to get out of this loop of sadness." I explained, he might get the wrong idea about the subject.

"You sure talk a lot about Rin, and while we're at it, mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what's the question?" I pretended to not notice the first thing that he said.

"Are you and Rin close to each other?" he asked me directly.

"H-huh? What's with the sudden question about that?" Well, of course, anyone would be shocked, at being asked like that, I mean, of course we were close, he's my twin brother after all.

"Never mind. Forget it." With that, he walked away. After a few steps, he turned to look back at me and asked if we should go. I went up next to him and we both looked back at where we stood a while ago, we noticed that there was a silhouette wait, it looks like Rin's ghostly appearance, though he was only smiling and waving at the two of us before he turned his back against us and disappeared. What was that just now? Am I dreaming? I pinch my cheeks, no, this is not a dream. My brother did appear, I am so sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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