Amelia's Pov~
I smiled at Parker as we walked around the school together pondering on about all the memories we had made over the past year, I couldn't believe how long our relationship had lasted.
"Look Amelia there's something I have to tell you" he nervously mumbled as he released our intertwined hands.
"Great because I need to tell you something to" I stated happily as I smiled brightly at Parker.
“There you are Parker I missed you babe come meet my parents they have been dying to finally meet you," an unfamiliar brunette popped out as she kissed Parker enthusiastically in front of me completely ignoring my presence.
"What-t?" I mumbled humiliated as a crowd erupted around us.
“Look I-I" I felt tears pool from my blotched eyes as I heard peoples laughter grow louder if possible.
“Nice work man didn't think you had it in you?" Michael stated, who Parkers best friend was as he slapped Parkers back handing him numerous notes of cash. It clicked inside my head what was going on; everything that we had our whole relationship was nothing but a lie, built upon a game for what money?
Betrayal lit my face as I starred at Parker with humiliation.
How could he do this to me?
“I guess the nice girl never gets the guy" I whispered as I walked away clutching my stomach tightly, withholding the one secret he would never find out. With no one to blame but himself. I ignored all there rude and degrading comments as I made my way towards my parents who asked.
“How did it go?” My Dad asked impatient.
“How did he take it?” Mum asked happily and excited for the arrival of her first Grandchild.Tears poured from my eyes as I hugged my Mum tightly wanting to leave all this embarrassment and humiliation knowing I would never live it down.
“It was all a game to him Mum how could he do this to me?” I cried as Mum pulled me into a tight embrace as we walked back towards the car.
“I thought he loved me?” I whispered desperate for any kind of love.
“Let’s go home” Mum murmured as we drove away. I watched as Parkers guilty, regrettable and remorseful face become nothing but a bad dream.
1 month later...
I watched from my front porch at how empty the town had become after the departure off school kids who had finally after numerous years left the small Town of Scottsdale have decided that they either wanted to further their education or just leave town. I knew with my current situation there would be no way I could even afford to leave town, with the arrival of my baby. I had heard from the town about how many kids were either leaving town and moving to the big city or moving to far away colleges.
Sadness had engulfed me when I heard word of Parker's departure to New York City. I guess our relationship had really meant nothing if he was so egger to move on, after everything we had been through. Most people still haven't found out about my Pregnancy and I tried to prolong it for as long as possible, knowing if word got out I would be gossip central. I still couldn't believe what had happened over the last month; at least I wasn't alone and had my parent’s full support. Although Mum and Dad were furious about what Parker had done they still couldn't believe they were welcoming another baby into the family.
I didn't have a plan; however I knew that I would take whatever was thrown at me day by day. Because I was determined to become a great mother to my baby and never let anything come between us.