Celebration gone bad

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(A/N: This is long and loosely based off a fic i read a while ago. Can't remember where i read it or else i would credit the author for the idea)

The crew had just pulled off a nice bank heist, so they went out for drinks, as was custom with the Fakes. Geoff and Gavin had found a dingy little bar on the outskirts of the city; much quieter then their usual spots, and much less security. Not that anyone minded.

Derrick sat at the bar, dressed in his classic pastel colors, and watched his partners with a soft smile. The lads had decided to try and play a couple of rounds of darts, even though it looked like none of them could hit the target. Geoff, Ryan, and Jack sat in a corner together, Jack laying across the two men and probably telling a story. Soft jazz played in the background; It was a nice, calm night.
A new voice pops up next to him, making him jump a bit," Hey there stranger. Haven't seen you around before! Think I'd remember a face that good lookin." Derrick turns and looks at the woman. She had a tanned complexion, golden brown eyes, and purple hair. The woman continued talking," Are you here with anybody Handsome?" Derrick frowned lightly," Yes, actually I am." He said politely. She slouched a bit and seemed to drop the flirty act," Rats. Well, I hope ya dont mind just a chat then? My friends dragged me here to pick up guys, so as long as I do, or at least look like I am, shell stop pestering me about it." There was a hopeful glitter in her eyes that intrigued him. " Ah, uh, sure?..." He was a curious smol, and hadnt gotten a chance to practice talking to people in a while. Boy would he regret this later.
The two chatted for a while about odd things. Colors, weather, their favorite sports. Derrick orders a non-alcholic drink from the bartender, only half paying attetion to the woman.

The first red flag that Derrick should have noticed was the slightly salty aftertaste to his drink. But, he barely can remember what he ordered, so he just figures it was the drink.
The second red flag shouldve been the womans body language. Her slight smirk, the fact she kept looking around and looking towards the back door, the fact she was obviously forcing the conversation, the hand on his arm. But, Derrick hadnt talked to people outside of interrogations and his crew, so he was a bit rusty in reading movements.

By the time Derrick realizes what was happening, its far too late for him. The room is spinning, his head is throbbing, and the woman is pressing much too close to him. He can barely hear her over the noise in his head, but next thing he knows his arm is around her shoulders and shes leading him out the back.
As soon as they step outside, the door clicks shut and theyre surrounded by people. Derrick's head is pounding, he can barely think over the screaming and the voices and the static in his head. The woman's tone has changed, and she starts ordering the other people around. " This isnt right" he thinks through the noise " Wheres Ryan?!" His mind is in a haze as he tries to escape the womans vice-like grip.
The people attack him as soon as he escapes her grip. Everything is a blur as he fights back, kicking and swinging and scratching. He digs his nails into someones flesh and drags down, feeling something warm run doen his hand. A snarl escapes him when he realizes that he'd been drugged and that's why he was moving so slowly. " I gotta find the others...I gotta get outta here..."
They quickly gain the upper hand. Derrick cant figure out how many attackers there are, maybe five, maybe fifteen. Everything is a blur and the noise in his head is unbearable, and they know it.
Derrick snaps and bites and slashes and growls as he fights back. It takes them a long time to get his hands tied. Hes still fighting when they force him to his knees. Somehow he manages to get his arm free and grabs one by the neck. He twists it violently, and a horrific crack cuts throught the alley. He immediately goes to grab another, but the rest force his hands together again. The ropes bite his skin as they force him to the asphalt.
Suddenly, hes hit with a sharp, white hot pain. Derrick howls as his body is flooded with nothing but pain.
He grinds his teeth and keeps thrashing. He tries to fight through the drug and the pain thats making it so hard to move, making the noise in his head louder, making it hard to think straight. There's a sharp pain on the side of his face; someone is pressing a heel into his cheek, making him wish for his mask. A sudden weight on his back knocks the breath out of him. He feels a warm liquid drip down his cheek as the heel presses harder, gravel pressing against his face, the smell of tar drowning his smell. Harsh laughter echoes above him.
A thought cuts through the noise " I can't escape." He thinks as panic fills him " I'm not getting out of here alive.". He will either die here, or die wherever the fuck theyd take him. He won't live.
" Ryan," He thinks desperately," Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, Jerem-"
Laughter echoes around him again, and someone says something in a teasing tone above him. Derrick shuts his eyes, he won't give them the satisfaction of seeing the fear in his eyes. His vision is blurs and shapes and streaks, shit and not worth trying to open.
More voices suddenly fill the alley, yelling and screaming and the crack of gunfire. Something warm and heavy lands ontop of Derrick, leaking something hot and thick over his arms and hands," Blood?" Derrick tries to wriggle out from under it," It's gotta be a body...right?". He cant anwser his own question, still cant think completely straight. He curls up into a ball, trying to protect what he can of himself from the chaos around him.
Then all the noise in his head suddenly stops. Everything is quiet, and his erratic breathing and thumping heartbeat the only sound around him. The chill of the night was seeping into his torn suit, the absence of his breath, the ache of his muscles. Everything feels so surreal and dream-like, his pulse beating against his throat and wrists, blood pooling around the ropes that still held his wrists. Everything slowed down.
And then footsteps came towards him, loud as the crunched against the gravel. A voice speaks above him and the fear of what they could do cuts through him. Derrick tenses up, terror and dread flooding his system-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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