Me Without You

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      (Okay guys in this one shot Anakin was not burned to the point of the full body suit. Okay? Okay!)

      After Anakin had his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, after Anakin had proclaimed his faith to the Sith he was slowly recovering from the battle. With limbs missing, both legs and his arm were severely burned and incapable of movement. Anakin Skywalker was in miserable and unforgettable pain, he was also completely alone.
       The cold hands of the healing droids weren't keeping him company in his loneliness. Anakin was cold in his burned state, he missed the comforting hands of his old master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    He knew that the Jedi have lost the war, they were dying or already dead yet he didn't feel happy or accomplished in anyway. He believed that after all the wonderful things the Empire promised, Anakin would be happy. And yet when he mustered up enough strenght to open his eyes and look out his window, he saw nothing but death and destruction. Seeing that, feeling that much disturbance in the force was something Anakin was never taught to muscle down. And now he was having to shove it down and block it out of his vision, but how was Anakin to do that when he was the man who caused this? But it is not his fault, Obi-Wan Kenobi had lied to him, the Jedi were corrupt and evil. They had always held Anakin back from his true power, he was building an empire and he was going to protect the new Empire. To build it up to the strongest Empire this galaxy has seen.

    But what is he paying for the largests Empire in the galaxy? Anakin was paying his security and the comforts of always having his master to pester him with seemingly useless questions. Anakin was paying with his body, a pure, strong body that helped shoulder the world of the war and the pain of loosing his friends in battle. His body now burnt to nothing but embarrassment and shame. Metal, lifeless medical droids tending to his body day and night; did not show an ounce of compassion or conversation in Anakin's strict stay in the medical wing. Recovery was slow and agonizing, even though Anakin barely had enough strenght to open his eyes, but the weight of loneliness was crushing. It burned to breathe, and it burned to think. The weight of the loneliness reminded Anakin of the people he's betrayed. It reminded him of the wife he killed.

    The woman Anakin loved, the woman who carried his precious baby, the woman who he dreamt about for years, dreaming they will find home within each other during the galaxies darkest time. And Anakin did find his home then he murdered her in anger, she betrayed him. At least that is what he thought at first. It was not so but his actions had an equal reaction and now the weight of the loneliness has increased with not only the death of his wife but also the death of his unborn child that he will never get the chance to hold and be a father he's always wanted to be.

    A few weeks into his recovery, the suffering of being alone was mentally killing Anakin. He needed to be attached to someone. The multiple droids coming to do repairs on him was not in the slightest comforting. Anakin was used to the warm embrace of Obi-Wan Kenobi when Anakin needed someone. He has tried to push it down for the past few weeks, constantly reminding himself he no longer has any use for Obi-Wan Kenobi. But in this moment of time, laying in the medical bed that wasn't in the least bit comfortable. He needed Obi-Wan, now more than ever.

    His recovery was going slow but he was able to walk, speaking was a little difficult because he felt ashamed in what he has done. Though he will never admit this because he did choose to turn forth to the dark side. While walking around the base Anakin had gotten used to wearing his hood to cover his eyes. His shame was to great to deal with. For the little people that was on the base Anakin could not find the strenght to speak to anyone. It took all of his physical and mental strenght just to walk around; even then he was hanging close to the wall for stability.

   In the night, after the droids had powered down, he slowly got up out of the uncomfortable bed he was provided and wrapped his familiar black cloak around his shoulders. Anakin walked into the weapons room and picked up a new beautiful lightsaber, that was a little too big for his mechanical hand but it would have to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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