How You Met ♥️

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How You Met➰➰➰"I'm so tireeeed~" you thought as you threw your head back to look at the sky

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How You Met
"I'm so tireeeed~" you thought as you threw your head back to look at the sky.

Being a Knight of the Blood Oath wasn't easy at all. Being in the frontline wasn't easy at all. A hand gently rests on your shoulder, and you turn to look at Asuna. She gives you a warm smile, reassuring you to stay strong. Ever since you joined, she's become your closest friend.

"Take a break guys, we'll make our way into the dungeon next morning." Says your commander.

You head over to the grass, the breathtaking afternoon sunset gives off a yellow vibe to the area as you lay down. You sigh in content at finally being able to rest your legs when you feel a presence beside you.

"Today is the best season SAO's ever been in right?" Says a guy with black hair as he sits down next to you.

"Yep," you say popping the 'p', "best season yet, can't wait to rest."

He chuckles and soon recognizes your outfit, "So you're with the Knights of the Blood Oath fighting the front lines?"

"Yeah, and you?"

"Oh, I'm a solo player." He says, a hint of pride in his tone.

You talk to him and soon drift into a deep sleep. Kirito smiles at your sleeping figure and pushes a strand of hair out of your face. She's really cute, he thought. Soon enough, Asuna found you both sleeping under the tree.

"You two! What are you doing sleeping? Just because the commander told us to take a break doesn't mean waste the rest of daylight sleeping!" Kirito groans at her words and tells her to shush.

"Why if it isn't Kirito, the beater." She says with a smirk, making him roll his eyes.

"Let the poor girl sleep Asuna, can't you see she's tired?" She looks at you and her eyes soften, you look k.o.'d.

"Fine, but I'm gonna go with the rest and prepare for tomorrow. Also, tell her not to worry I'll prepare her equipment too. Take care of her." She says before leaving.

Kirito smiles victoriously and enjoys the sunset while you are sound asleep by his side. After around another hour you flutter your eyes open and you see Kirito smiling down at you.

"Good morning sleepyhead, well more like good evening."

Your eyes widen as you jolt up. Kirito jumps back a bit scared from your sudden action.

"Oh no! I have to prepare for tomorrow and help Asuna.." you say as you stumble over a root and fall, only to be caught by Kirito.

"Hey, easy, don't overdo yourself. Asuna came by to say she's going to prepare your equipment." You nod and suddenly hear Kirito's stomach growl.

His face reddens making you giggle. You grab his hand and lead him to the nearby town.

"How about I cook you dinner? As a little thank you present for watching over me while I took a nap." Kirito grins and nods excitedly making you laugh.

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