Chapter one

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In an island far from us humans, were animals talk and magic is common, there was a forest full of magic where strange things happen and in that forest there was a small tribe of foxes. 

In the midst of the daily hustle and bustle there was a very small fox who went by the name of Buster. Buster was small for his age but he was determined to make up for his size. He had 6 brothers and one sister, all of them much bigger and stronger than him, in other words he was the runt of the family. For him life in his village/tribe was very boring because of his size he was not allowed to help with the work that had to be done in the tribe. 

On this particular day Buster had decided to go for a walk staying far from the tribe. he was walking along a little stream when he saw a strange dark torquiose cloud approaching him. Suddenly the cloud consumed him and he collapsed. He woke with a terrible pain along his back, he was blinded from pain.

There was a lake next to him and reflected on the still surface was the moon and stars. he tried to stand but something dragged him back he looked back and what he saw made him pass out, had a pair of silver blue wings!

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