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A/N: I am incredibly happy to share this with you. If this is your first time reading this and you've never heard of the 'Happiness' series I suggest you first read "The Choice of Happiness" it's the first 'book' in the series. But you're free to do what you want, enjoy!


My breath was burning in my throat as I made my way through the crowd towards the closest cab I could find.

"Meredith! Wait up!" I heard Jack run and shout after me. Unknowing of what had been said through the phone.

"No," I was breathing, only thinking of what could not be happening.

I stopped running, realizing that it wouldn't help the situation. I held on to the bars of stairs and almost fell down on my knees again but Jack catched me as always.

"Mer," he whispered pressing his forehead against mine "not again." Was the last I heard before I got caught up in a universe where darkness was king.


Eyes fluttered open and I got blinded by the flashy hospital lights.

Wait, hospital? Memories came flooding back, the phone call, another breakdown and Jack.

I swallowed once and something or somebody next to me moved, with a lot of effort I could bring myself to turning my head. It hurt like hell.

"Meredith.." He whispered.

"Finn." Last time I saw him I was in a hospitalbed too.

"Where.. Where's," I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Your brother is here, he's sleeping in a room somewhere and your parents came to visit too." He said sweetly.

I smiled faintly, technically we were still fighting but with everything going on I can afford it not to worry about something like that.

"Hey, Finn the doctor said tha-" Jack came walking in the room. He wore dark jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. His hair messy and bags under his eyes.

Then I noticed that Finn had them too, a huge lack of sleep apparentely.

Jack his eyes met mine and a smile formed across my lips.

"Meredith!" He ran over to me, almost falling on his knees for me. And he started crying, out of nothing.

"I'll give you two some privacy, welcome back babe." Finn said pressing his hot lips against my forehead.

An awkward silence appeared between me and Jack. I was too weak to reach out for him and comfort him. But I did feel a little bad.

"Jack,.. Jack please get up. It's okay. I'm here." I whispered a little, tears were brimming my eyes. I hated to see the people I love upset.

He looked up at me, "I missed you." He tried to explain to me.

"I know, come here." I patted the space next to me on my bed, and tried to move over a little.

"He covered himself under the warm sheets next to me, and I laid my head on his chest, my tears staining his shirt.

"How long was I out?" I questioned him.

"Four days." he gulped.

Memories came flooding back, the dinner. My run in the park and falling into his arms again.

"I..I slept through Christmas?"


I started sobbing even harder, what had I missed even more? This couldn't be true, " was your Christmas?"

the journey of happiness- a Jacksgap fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now