Chapter XXII: The Video Call

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"Your Highness, Sir Changkyun has arrived."

"Where is he? Please tell him to go the library."

"Understood ma'am." After hearing the guard's footsteps go away outside, I quickly readied myself. I went in front of the mirror and checked if I looked fine when the door opened and Dasom unnie came along with Seokwon.

"Why did you invite Changkyun to come here?" Dasom unnie asked.


"This is the first time you did something like this in a long while." said Seokwon.

"I know..."

"Are you up to something?"


"It looks like she is, noona." Seokwon told her.

"Look guys, as much as I want to say what I'm doing, I'll tell you all about it later, after he leaves. Please understand me."

They looked at me with both curiosity and concern but fortunately...

"Alright, we'll wait for later." said Dasom unnie.

"Just make sure it's not something reckless." Seokwon added.

"Yeah sure... um, where is he by the way?"

"Well, his sudden arrival caught Their Majesties off guard and they're talking with him right now." said Dasom unnie.

"I'm pretty sure the King is bombarding him again with outlandish promises for the two of you once you get married." Seokwon said.

"I don't doubt that though. Prepare some snacks and drinks as well for us. Have him go straight to the library. I'll be going there now."

They all bowed before I left the room. I went straight to the library and headed for the bookshelf where the book I brought out earlier, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers was located. I took it out and stopped on the part where I inserted a bookmark. It was about the French Revolution.

"I think I'll just tell Kihyun tomorrow that I've agreed to execute his plan." I said to myself.

I began reading that chapter even though I've read it dozens of times already.

After just a few minutes, someone knocks on the door and a familiar voice asked "(Your Name)? Are you there? Can I come in?" It was Changkyun.

"Yes, please do come in." I replied.

The door opened and I heard him come inside. In a few seconds, he found me.

"Just where I thought I'd find you." He said with a smile.

"You know this is my favourite part of the library."

"Mine too."

For a while, we stared at each other until he broke it off and I went back to 'reading'.

"Is that book what I think it is?" he asked.

"If you think it's Paul Kennedy's book then yes, it is."

"Thought so. You love that book."

"Well you love reading it too as much as debating with me the various topics in it."

"Yeah... good times..."

Silence again.

And then...

"So, why did you ask me to come here?"

"Well *I closed the book*, it's about, yesterday."

"Oh... what about it?"

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