Never Let Go ( Edited)

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this story is probably going to suck because my grammar skills are crap and I dunno this is the first thing I have attempted to write so leave comments or suggestions ha I dunno what I am doing... oh well here goes nothing...

His Name was Logan...

The crowd goes wild as he climbs out of the pool at the state championships while everybody else was still just trying to finish the race. That night he had broken 2 state records that was over 20 years old, and was now on his way to Nationals. He was at the height of his Career and on such a high nobody could bring him down, he had it all. His looks were perfect he had bleach blond hair, with deep blue eyes that the girls got lost in, not to mention his swimmer body with the abs and cut muscles. I have never seen him so happy in my life that night he jumped up and down when the meet was over hugging everybody and just going crazy, he never went crazy he was always calm and collective but not this night. Later they gave him his awards and took pictures for the new paper.

A few weeks later he was in Charlotte North Carolina for Nationals... once again he was on his game taking home first place in a few events and placing top 5 in the Nation in 5 different events. He stood proud on the podium with his old torn up hat that he always wore. He wanted people to know he came from the South in a Town nobody had ever heard of in the scratched asshole of Mississippi. He would take his hat off for them to place the medal on his head and then put it right back on and stand there for pictures.

That night back home the whole town watched him swim because nobody from around there had done anything worth mentioning. People weathered the Cold night of February to watch him on a projector they had set up in the town square next to the Statue. It meant so much to know that all of his friends and neighbors watched him that night, to be recognized by his peers meant more to him than anything in the world, because up until that point the only sport they knew in that town was football.

A few months later he was featured in splash magazine, he was nice and signed people’s magazine if they asked him, he was like a regular celebrity he was one of the biggest things that had ever happened to that small town.

Logan always had a love for people but his biggest down fall was girls, he had dated a few times and been to a few dances but nothing really serious. And the girls seemed to love him also anytime he would speak to them it was like they were captivated by him, he just had that southern charm about him and they ate that shit up. If he talked to them it was as if they were the only one in the world for him, and you could see it in their eyes, the wheels turning in their crazy little heads about being married and having kids, it made me sick to watch.

I was always a little jealous of him because he seemed to have it all and I seemed to have nothing.

Not to mention he was a football star to everybody looked up to him on and off the field; I have never seen anybody get the respect he did. He demanded respect from everybody and he treated everybody equal, and if you had a problem with that then he had no problem fighting it out which he did a many of times, and no matter how big the boy he was fighting he never once asked for help from anybody. He made no bones about it; he would gladly take a beating from somebody if it meant earning their respect, even though that never happened.

He used to always tell me when I would be scared of something or somebody

“Blair, it is better to walk out the front door then be pushed out the back,”

Or he would tell me

“Blair, it is better to be pissed off then pissed on,”

And somewhere in all of that I always understood what he was telling me he never gave anybody a straight answer. It always seemed to be a line he had gotten from a movie or something his dad would tell him growing up. But nobody could tell things the way he did he always had the best answer and put it in a way you could understand.

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