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The Interview Itself: Market Yourself

Remember, interviews are ways of marketing yourself but talking too much might also affect your chances of working in that company. Confidence is always the key but it’s unavoidable to get mental block or occasional stutters. With that, don’t panic. If you forget what you intend to say, just breathe to regain your composure. You can even tell your interviewer, “I’m sorry, ma’am/sir, but can you repeat the question” or “Let me think about that” with politeness.

With that, here are some tricky questions that students tend to do badly on:

What are your strengths?  Easy! You don’t have to recite your whole resume though. If you have researched on the company and its goals, then you should give the skills that you think can contribute to the objectives of the company.

What are your weaknesses? Although employers ask about this, they don’t want to hear something that will make them lose interest in you. Always answer something that can be easily remedied or something which can be perceived as a positive thing. For example, being too bossy is considered by some as something negative but to employers, it’s a plus because it means that you get the job done.

What is the most challenging experience you faced?  This doesn’t mean family problems or love tragedies. Employers usually drop this bomb in order to see how you face an ordeal. At times, the best way to answer this is to relate an experience you had difficulty in with regards to school work or extra-curricular activities. Then, tell them how you handled it.

Why should we hire you? This is the trickiest one of them all. It can come in different forms and can break applicants’ zone. Well, no worries. There’s a way to counteract this terror. When you are asked this, you should give them a reason to hire you. Market yourself and your skills. Tell them that you’re eager to learn.

As an additional reminder: Always remember that aside from confidence, you should always be sincere. Don’t lie about your skills just to get hired. Be honest about your skills and capabilities because if they see that you’re willing to learn, then that’s an added plus right there!

·         Why Are You Interested in Working for Our Company? - Best Answers

·         How Has School Prepared You For Working at Our Company? - Best Answers

·         Why Should We Hire You? - Best Answers

·         What Do You Think It Takes to be Successful in This Position? - Best Answers

·         How Would You Describe Your Ability To Work as a Team Member? - Best Answers

·         What Has Been Your Most Rewarding Accomplishment - Best Answers

·         What Are Your Salary Expectations? - Best Answers

·         Tell Me About a Major Problem you Recently Handled. - Best Answers

·         Have You Ever Had Difficulty With a Supervisor or Teacher? - Best Answers

1.  Tell me about yourself. 

My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best _____ I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself . . .

2.  Why should I hire you? 

Because I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. I realize that there are many other college studentswho have the ability to do this job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job--my attitude for excellence. Not just giving lip service to excellence, but putting every part of myself into achieving it. In _____ and _____ I have consistently reached for becoming the very best I can become by doing the following . . .

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⏰ Huling update: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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