A girl, a boy, and a wolf.

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she's so young. a sparkle in her eyes. so mature for 13. she meets a boy. 16 and charming. she falls. and boy does she fall hard. only in middle school and so certain.

high school. the girl is 14 and engaged. she goes to sit with her friends. the boy calls her over. 17 and over protective. he pulls her into his lap and holds her there. her friends look on. worried and a bit upset. especially the wolf. a friend of the girls for many years.

at 15 the girls father threatens to put the now 18 year old man in jail. she runs off with him and Marries him in another state. her father is furious.

a month before she turns 16 she gives birth to a baby boy. she hasn't been happy for a while but in this moment she can't stop smiling.

17 she realizes this is no way to live and raise her son. moving between relatives. the now 20 year old man still has no job. and he won't get one.

18 she finds out she is pregnant again. she's happy for a new addition even if the conditions aren't perfect. he however is noticeably upset. he didn't want another child.

19 she's only 4 months away from delivering the new baby which she finds out is a boy. he moves her from her florida home to his family in Georgia. she is alone. she is miserable. but she smiles. because if she didn't she would be yelled at. she would be punished.

January 2016 her new son is born. she has no help from him. she gets a job and starts college to support her two kids. he makes her quit. he still controls her.

July 2016. they get an apartment for low income families. they have to do community service to live there. he keeps her locked away. only allowed out to go to the store and come straight home. if she wants to go anywhere else....she has to preform....sexual favors.

December 22 2016 she is rescued. her kids are free. her father and the department of children and families save her and the kids from him. he cries. he never meant to hurt them he says. lies.

January 2017. the baby is now a year old. the oldest is almost 4.  the man is still addicted to drugs and the girl is safe with her father at his home.

February 2017. her father leaves the state. she moves in with her mother. she stays there. multiple court dates and he is not once charged with the abuse or the drugs. only one act of arson.

May 2017. the wolf returns. he was told to stay away or the man would kill him and the girl. the wolf is upset with how the girl was treated. the once bright eyed 13 year old dreamer who loved to sing and bake that the wolf knew was now a broken and shattered 19 year old with two children and countless mental emotional and physical scars.

the wolf wanted nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together. they began to date. they drifted and she feared she would never see him again. but here he was. he held her when her anxiety became too much for her. he comforted her when her ptsd became a problem. he wiped her tears and assured her everything would be ok when her depression took hold of her. he never got frustrated with her. he looked after her kids as if they were his own.

he swore he would always protect her and her kids. that they would never again be afraid.

he proposed to the girl. and for the first time in 5 years. she smiled the biggest smile she ever could have. she said yes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

they planed to be married soon. and start they're new family. away from all the monsters of her past.

But...this wolf was no better. He was almost worse. They were together for a year. constant manipulation and pressure for sex. she was miserable again. 

people can be very deceiving and by this time the girl was ready to give up. 

This brown wolf that she thought was a friend, was horrible just as the boy was.

she left him. he followed. he stalked. 

She couldn't escape. even when she secured a job the wolf would prowl, waiting for her to leave.

Her friend the grey wolf got her the job. he was a manager and helped her so much.

She fled one day to the grey wolf's house. something happened.

she regretted it but couldn't take it back.

now she hates herself even more than before. 

she lives with her mother. the oldest child is now in kindergarten.

her life spirals for a long time. 

now...its 2018 by this point.

you would think that the girl would learn her lesson about wolves.

maybe just MAYBE she should avoid them.

but does she? 


July 3rd 2018

she sees a familliar face on facebook. 

now as a child there were 3 wolves in the pack. 

the brown, the grey...and the black.

can you guess who she saw?

she stared at the picture. 

she thought "i doubt he remembers me. better leave him alone."

she keeps scrolling.

july 6th 2018 

she gets a message.

the black wolf: "dork"

she stares at the message. 

he remembers me? 

the girl(fox): who are you calling a dork?

they continue to talk.

all night they text.

he video calls her.

there is a girl there. 

hes engaged.

the (fox) is happy for him. congratulates him.

July 7th 2018

he texts her

"good morning beautiful"

she says good morning and continues on with her morning.

he continues to text her all day.

He tells her about how the girl he is with is older than him. she mistreats him. throws him against walls. refuses to pay bills, instead plays video games all day.

this sounds painfully familliar. 

she tries to be a good friend.

she listens and asks questions.

do you love her? no

when did you stop? two years ago..

why have you stayed? im scared

why? i have no where to go

I was scared too. i left. you never know, the person you want so badly might be waiting on you.

he says he just wants peace.

she asks if he has a type, she might know someone single that he can talk to. her friend the rabbit comes to mind first.

he gives her a description.

she asks if he knows anyone like that. he says no.

the clock pasts midnight

July 8th 2018

he texts her again. I lied

about what she asks.

i do have someone in mind.

Can you guess whats happening here? let me know if you want to know more. i know its been a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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