Protecting the prince

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I groan as a wake up to my alarm. Then try and trun it off which was a bright idea since its on the other side of the room. I sigh and reach again but fall on the floor with a loud thud.

"Honey, get up last day of school." I look up at him with a you're crazy look. "Dad it's February school doesn't for a few months."

"I know honey but you have a job." I jump up from the floor. "Really? What is it please tell me."

" when you get home I'll tell you." I sigh and get dressed in black jeans and grey shit. Hey I never said I was little miss popular. I put my leather jacket and cobat boots in and head out the door. I walk to school which happens to be just down the block. When I get to the doors I see Sidney making out with Alex again.' Ew get a room no one will ever want to see that'. I open the doors and head to my locker which is has sharpie all over it saying whore,emo, cutter,slut,and freak. I know very creative. I open it a grab my books then head to math. When I get there I sit in the back like usual while everyone else sits as far away from me as possible. I sigh and mumble about how I can't wait till this it over.


I wait till the bell rings for me to leave this hell hole . When it rings I sprint out of the the classroom and all the way home. When I get there I'm slightly out of breath but good for the most part. I burst through the door." Dad what's the job?"

"Honey, how was your day?"

"Dad what's the job?" I ask again

He sighs " Liz."

"What's wrong?"

"You have to protect a prince."

Suddenly I burst out laughing." You're kidding." Then I see his face. "Dad im not wasting my life on some brat."

"It's you're job Liz and you know that it'll be hard it's one you have to be ready to give your life for."

"How long?" I ask bluntly

"Until you or him die or if you can no long protect him because of a disablity."

I back up and hit the wall behind me then slide down. "What if I wanna get married? Or have kids?"

"As long as you can do your job Elizabeth."

My eyes go wide my father has never called me by my name before even when he was mad.

"Who is he?"

He sighs "Prince Alexander the second."

"When do I start?" I plaster on a fake smile so my father won't talk like he did a second ago.

"Right now." He smiles at me.

"What do you mean rig-"

Before I can even finish the hottest guy I've ever seen walks in.

"Hello I'm Alexander." He smiles. Suddenly my stomach fills with butterflies and my heart goes crazy.

"I'm Elizabeth." I suddenly realize he heard how I called him a brat.

"Sorry about calling you a brat." I blurt out. Then blush when my father glares telling me to shut up. He walks over and whispers. "You better be you ungrateful peasant." Be fore I can say anything back he says loud enough so my father can hear.

"Oh it's fine I know you didn't mean anything by it."

Oh he'll no I'm not taking that from him. But I just fake it for my father and thank him for his forgiveness

My father smiles and then says.

"You two will be going back to his castle tommorow so for now make sure he's comfortable."

This is going to be a very long week I mumble to myself


So this is my first time writing a book sorry if it sucks>.< I'll try to make it good for you and ill try and upload as soon as I can which should be once a week.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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