Mikado Comes To Ikebukuro

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Mikado arrived in Ikebukuro after a long ride and waited for Masaomi to pick him up. He hadn't seen his friend for about 3 years, so this reunion was going to be fun. As he walked, he bumped into a man. Putting up his facade, he bowed in apology, but the man just continued walking. Mikado looked at him and realized it was one of his connections, so he decided to leave him be and not destroy his life.

As he leaned against a wall to calm down, a blonde boy walked up to him. He glanced at him and realized it was Kida, so he pretended not to notice his presence and stood there until the boy said, "Hey Mikado! It's been so long! Can you guess who i am? I'll give you three guesses! !,Kida Masaomi, 2 Kida Masaomi, 3 Kida Masaomi!"

Staying in character, Mikado yelled, "Masaomi, is that really you?!" Even though he really wanted to play along with his friend's dimwitted joke. He knew the old him wouldn't. Masaomi was disappointed by this, but we continued on out of the subway. As we walked up, he asked, "So, Mikado. Where do you want to go?"

Mikado knew every place in town and decided to be a little sneaky and said, "How about Sunshine City?" Mikado wanted to fall over laughing at the blonde's expression.

He had stopped, dead, where he was walking on the stairs and his face had turned a bright red. He then continued walking and tried to collect himself. He then said, "Well, that's a place for couples, so i think we should go on a few dates first. Hahaha." He then tried to laugh it off, but Mikado wouldn't let him.

He then said, "Okay, then let's go on a few dates first."

Masaomi again stopped dead, this time even redder than before and at the top of the stairs. He was shocked at his friend's bluntness and willingness.

Mikado then continued, "How 'bout we go for a walk around town as our first date?" Mikado had continued walking and was now by Kida's side when he said this.

So Kida was surprised out of his daze as he began to stumble on his words. "S-s-sure. Uh, w-where to st-start." He said, stuttering almost constantly. He's so cute when he stutters! I just wanna take him right now! No! I have to save that for later. I can't just start fucking him right here and now. That could get the both of us arrested. Plus, he hasn't done anything to provoke me. As he though this, him and Kida were walking past a sushi restaurant.

Mikado took this chance and grabbed Kida's arm, wanting to go in and continue their date inside.

He knew that they would have a peaceful first date with Simon around. He also knew the place had private rooms from the posts by the people who went there. So he asked for one and went in when he was showed where. He wanted to let down his charade and show his best friend who he truly was as soon as possible.

So, as soon as the curtain was shut and Masaomi had sat down, Mikado spoke, "Masaomi, I've changed in these years you've been away. My family says i went insane. I say i improved. I now have connections throughout this entire city, so i know all of the places and the majority of the people. But i keep this information to my self, rather than sell it. Out of all of the people i have learned about, your the only one who remains clouded in lies you yourself told me. So please, explain to me what you've been doing these past few years, Kida."

The bleach blonde was confused, to say the least. It took him a few minutes to fully process what his date had said, and when he did, he was shocked and panicky. What do i tell him?! Should i tell him the truth? Would he be able to tell if i lie? He probably would. Just tell him the truth and hope this new him will understand and accept what happened. With that, Masaomi decided to tell Mikado the truth, so he said, "I-i, i started a gang and became its leader for most of that time. I was lost in this huge place and decided to make myself a home rather than join one. I started a gang war against a group called the Blue Squares, fell in love and was betrayed, then quit the gang i had started."

Mikado looked at his friend. Anger growing inside of him. "Masaomi. Do you realize how dangerous that was?! You could have been killed! Or raped! You need to be punished Kida. At least when i started a gang, i made it online and nowhere near my location!"

Kida was scared. He had never seen his friend so angry. He didn't want to know what his punishment would be.

What will Mikado's punishment for Masaomi be? Find out next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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