Asami's Jealousy

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Asami's POV

We finally landed in Zaofu the safest city in the world. We were greeted by Kuvira and some of the guards that didn't say their names. Kuvira is a pretty girl, would I go out with her yes, but you see I'm already taken by none other than Korra. Yes I Asami Sato am dating the one and only Avatar Korra. And I gotta say it's pretty amazing she's sweet and gentle with me and when it comes to sex, by the spirits it's amazing I mean I would have thought she was a selfish lover but I was wrong so wrong. Korra has a secret only her parents, Master Tenzin and his family and Team Avatar only know and that is that Korra has a nine and half inch cock with a pair of balls to keep her not so little friend company. When we started dating she said that she had a cock , she was so shy about it's was so cute! But her having it didn't change my view on her I fell in love with her not what is in between her legs. So it didn't bother me at all that she had one actually it turned me on a little. Korra wasn't my first so I seen my fair share of cocks and when I saw hers, raava I was so wet I mean the biggest one I ever had was Mako and he was only six inches.

"Asami..... Asami..Sami you there?" Korra says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What? Sorry lost in thought." I gave her a small smile.

"Yeah I can tell, you okay though?" Korra said concerned.

"Yeah just little intimidated that's all."

"Yeah I feel you this place is amazing, but don't worry you're not the alone." Korra grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly.

"Thanks Korra." I squeeze back.

"No problem Sami, come on we're going to meet the leader of Zaofu." Korra drags me along never letting go of my hand. We walk hand in hand until we meet up with Suyin Beifong. To say Team Avatar was surprised would be a understatement. Who knew 'Ms.Grumpy Chief of Police'  Beifong would have a sister..well half sister but a sister none the less.

"Well we'll talk about my family affairs later now you must meet my daughter she's the new airbender you've been looking for, so please follow me." Suyin informs Team Avatar. We walk into a open area assuming this the training area for the childern. "Avatar Korra this is my daughter Opal, Opal this is Avatar Korra. And her friends." A light brown skin girl around Korra height, with neon green eyes, and short black hair stands in front of us.

"Oh my raava you're Avatar Korra I'm Opal Beifong...oh wait you already knew that." Opal says blushing shaking Korra's hand. She looks over Korra shoulder at me, Bolin and Mako and gives us a small smile. "You're Asami the non bender." Pointing at me. "You're Bolin the earthbender." Pointing at earthbender. "And you're Mako Bolin's older brother and firebender." Pointing at the Firebender.

"Wow someone been studying." Korra say jokingly. I noticed that Opal has yet to let go of Korra's hand. I narrow my eyes at her, a unfamiliar feeling bubbles up in the pit of my stomach. 

"Yeah well I always thought the Avatar was cool and the Avatar friends too my favorite Avatar is Kyoshi." Opal informed us.

"Ouch you wound me Opal." Korra puts a hand over her heart gesturing she is hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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