Laurence's Sister Short Story

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Hi guys, so before you read this, please know that it took a lot of convincing from Xerneasgirl01 to get me to post this. I get very nervous about sharing what I write, but please comment any mistakes I make so I can become a better writer. Thank you guys! Now onto the story! (By the way the cover is probably temporary! It'll probably change soon.)

It had been a week. A week since my brother had sacrificed himself in the Nether for Aphmau, the Chicken Shaman, and I to escape. I often wondered if he was still alive. The twin telepathy link I created with my magicks had been cut off completely due to the realm barrier, making it impossible to contact him. The portal was broken, and there was no more obsidian to fix it with.

I was walking with Aph to check on the old Lord's house. It was dark out, but we had torches so we could see the way. Aph was carrying little Levin so he could see his possible future house. When we got there, the walls had been taken off. I had forgotten that Brendan and Brian had been working on tearing the place down. They could always remodel it. I sighed and turned around, coming almost face to face with a man with long orangey red hair. I would know that hair anywhere. "Laurence...?" I whispered quietly. He seemed like he was fighting an internal battle, but still seemed shocked nonetheless. "Laurence? Laurence is that you? Oh, thank Irene you're safe! Wait... you seem different. Why are you wearing their armor? Laurence, if you're here for me or Ally, then take us, but please don't hurt Levin," Aphmau spoke from behind me, and I nodded in agreement. He looked at us both intently, before turning and running into the forest.
After searching for a while and coming up with nothing, we both decided to go back to the village, but to keep an eye out for him.


It's been a few days since Aphmau and I saw Laurence in the forest. I'm clinging to the sliver of hope that remains in my body that he's okay; that nothing happened to him in the forest.
No one really believes that we saw him. They say they do, but I can see in their eyes that they are just saying they believe us to make us feel better.

Today I decided to make rounds around the village with Aphmau. I'm sure she would enjoy the company; at least I hope.
After talking with Molly, Dale, Corey, and Emma, we walked outside to find Brian, who pointed us towards the forest, where we found Garroth looking at a dragon. As Aph talked to it, it moved slightly, revealing an unconscious Laurence. I immediately rushed to his side and brushed his orange hair from his face. "Laurence! Please wake up!" I yelled worriedly. Aphmau was still talking to the dragon, who I learned was Ungrth, Laurence's wyvern who became corrupted by the nether when he rescued Laurence. Just then, Ungrth began to fade until he wasn't even visible anymore. Aphmau rushed to Laurence's other side and picked him up in a golden lasso. She carried him back to her house, where she laid him on a bed downstairs.


Laurence has been back for 2 days, and I've barely been allowed to see him. I was called upstairs to talk with Zoey and Aphmau about his condition and, thinking that nothing would change with him in the 5 minutes I would be gone, I went.
"Zoey, is Laurence going to be okay?" Aphmau asked worriedly. "Physically, Laurence is badly wounded, but he should be able to make a full recovery... but..." she stopped and took a deep breath. "But?" I asked. "I- I think he's blind," she answered.
"Wh- what?!" I shouted. She went on to explain how breaking the realm barrier was unheard of and undocumented, but had probably been done before. However, it had repercussions, and she feared that this was one of them. I was barely listening. My brother was... blind? How? Why? What did he do to deserve this? I was pulled from my thoughts by Zoey saying my name. "Sorry?" I said. She sighed. "I just said that Laurence was asking for both of you when he woke up. He's in a very emotional state right now. When he woke up, he grabbed my hand, thinking it was one of you but knew right away that I was not one of the people he was hoping for. I think you should go talk to him," she suggested. We nodded. I headed down the stairs closely followed by Aphmau. "You can go first," she offered. I smiled "Thank you," I said. I walked forward, "Laurence?" I called out. "A-Ally? Is that you?" He reached out his hand, which I grabbed immediately. I noticed that Aph had gone back upstairs to give us some privacy, which I was grateful for. "It's you, I can tell," he stated. "Yeah, it's me," I sat next to him. "What happened to you, Laurence?" I asked gently, hoping I wouldn't upset him. He sighed. "Too much. I can't describe how much pain mentally, physically, and spiritually becoming one of them is," he shuddered. I stroked his hand in a comforting way. "Are you blind, Laurence?" I asked softly. He waited a minute before replying. "Yes," he said, then chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I would rather be here blind, than there and able to see," he said. "Was it that bad?" I asked. He didn't reply. I squeezed his hand. "C-Can we change the subject? Please," he asked shakily. "Of course. Just know I'm here if you want to talk. About anything," I offered. He smiled "Thanks Ally. So where are we exactly? I don't think this is Meteli..." he asked. I chuckled softly. "No, were in Phoenix Drop, Aphmau's village," I told him. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. "Of course Laurence," I said. He nodded. "I was turned into a Shadow Knight against my will. But I hung onto my humanity by thinking of you. And Aphmau," he said. I smiled. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "You really like her, don't you?" I asked him. "Yeah. I do," he said. "Is this any different from the other hundreds of girls you've flirted with and claimed to like?" I asked him. "Yes. She's different from other girls. She's stronger and smarter. Not to mention cuter," he mumbled. "You should tell her that. I'm sure she'd like to hear it, even if you are a total Casanova," I laughed. He stuck his tongue out in my general direction. I brushed his hair out of his face and sighed. "I'll let Aphmau know that she can come down, alright?" He nodded. "But when she's done talking with you, I'll be back, and I expect to hear how it went when you tell her!" I exclaimed. "It'll be hard to get rid of me now," I giggled. "Alright, alright, now go," he laughed. I ran up the stairs and told Aphmau it was her turn to go down to him. They talked for maybe ten minutes until she came back up. I ran back down the stairs almost tripping at the bottom. "So? How'd it go?" I asked. Even if he didn't have pupils, I could tell here was sadness in his eyes. "I got rejected. I told her that I couldn't let what happened with Sasha happen to her, how I didn't tell Sasha how I felt, and she was with Kenmur when I finally got up the courage to tell her," he sighed. "Oh, Laurence," I sat next to him. "Do you want to talk?" I offered. He shook his head. "No, honestly, I want to sleep," he yawned. "Alright, goodnight Laurence," I said. "I'll be here when you wake up, okay?" He nodded as he drifted to sleep.


Aphmau was kind enough to build me a room in her house so I could be near Laurence. He and I actually shared it, but I don't mind. He's blind after all. He did need help getting places and doing things. That's one reason why I was staying with him. He couldn't do anything for himself since he couldn't see what he's doing.

Right now, I was helping Cadenza wash the red dye from his hair. I was excited to have the old Laurence back. The one with short, light brown hair instead of long, red hair. I carefully scrubbed his scalp and watched as the once pale blue water turned crimson within seconds. This dye would not come out of my dress anytime soon. Cadenza walked over "Done!" She exclaimed. She had been working on a new outfit for Laurence. "It looks perfect Cadenza!" I said. "I can't see it, but I'm sure it looks great," Laurence laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Aaaaaand there. All of the dye is out. Now I just have to cut your hair," I said, satisfied with my work. His eyes widened. "Oh no. I remember when you cut my hair when we were little! It was long on one side and Short on the other. It looked terrible!" He said nervously. I laughed. "That was years ago. Trust me, I've improved since I turned 8," I laughed. He finally agreed to let me cut his hair.

When I was done, it looked great. "Now let me go wash up," I said, walking out. I scrubbed my hands for at least 10 minutes until the dye finally came off. When I entered the room again, Cadenza was gone. Instead, there was a panicked Laurence. "Laurence? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Ally, thank Irene. Is my hair blue?" He asked. I laughed. "What? No! Who told you that your hair is blue?" I asked, still laughing. "Cadenza. She was laughing the whole time and kept telling me to chill. She also made me 'follow her voice' to 'help me learn to navigate my surroundings better' when really, I think she just enjoyed watching me run into things," he whined. I chuckled. Oh, you're fine," I said. "Now come on, we've got a party to get to!" I exclaimed. I changed my dress, then helped him into the new outfit Cadenza had made for him. It actually wasn't bad. He took hold of my arm and held on for dear life. I laughed and lead him out of the room, up the stairs, and out of Aph's house.

What do y'all think? Should I make a part two? Should I make this an actual story? Comment please! They mean a lot! Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading, until next time! <3

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