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Fake smiles, fake tears, fake laughs, fake life,

Our brain is numb, we don't feel joy and strife.

Outside is a happy cover, inside is all misery,

We laugh at the outside, it's all about hypocrisy.

We pretend to be happy, pretend to have joy,

Inside the heart is breaking, shattering like a glass toy.

Our eyes reflect our soul, you can see that there is no warmth in there,

Instead all they contain is sadness, pain and fear.

There is a bullet hole so deep, it pierces through the soul,

We have lost the true value of life, just like a ghoul

We are dead yet alive, a smile plastered on our face.

We try our best, but we go at our own pace.

We may act strong outside, but our heart is a fragile piece of glass.

One small crack, and it shatters apart.

Or life has gotten dark the world has lost it's color.

All we see is black and grey, the world has gotten blur.

Th world is selfish, they only think for themselves.

What we want, they don't care, just that they get they get their own money and fare.

We need someone, around whom we can shed our tears,

To loosen our burdens, to lessen our fears.

As the roads of life go on and on, towards an unknown destination.

At every turn, we cower with fear, our brains far from relaxation.

There are scars on our bodies and hearts, reminding us of those days.

When we together chose the wrath of people, the most difficult way.

As we blindly grope in the darkness of the world, searching for light.

Someone to love, someone with whom we can share, someone to make our days bright.


Author's note:

That was depressing wasn't it. I didn't mean it to be so depressing. Let's just say, it turned out this way by accident.

I was in a very poetic mood in a very boring English lit class. I asked AbrarMuniba, who was my partner to give me a good topic for a poem. She was like 'write it on Pretense', and so I did. But I bet she had something else in mind when she gave me this topic, didn't you?

Do listen to the song above, its one of my absolute favorites.



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