How My Vampire Boyfriend Killed Me.

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I was about to grab three coke in cans in the freezer when a guy spoke, "Are you going to some kind of a war or something?" I looked up and saw him smirked. "Need a little help?" He threw a glance at the pile of junk foods and chips in my basket. I almost didn't notice how heavy the basket was on my arms.

I laughed, "No, thanks. I can manage."

"We go to the same school." He whispered as he showed his fangs. Oh, right. He was from the Villain Quarters, Section Vampire. "I'm Brice." He said, extending his arm and snatching my basket in a millisecond.

I wrinkled my forehead, but thanked him anyway. "I'm Piper. Hey, have you picked the club you'll be joining yet?" We have Clubbing Hours every Saturday and you get to choose which Club or Organization you want to join in. It was also the time when Superheroes and Villains mingle or meet.

"I'm thinking about joining the Drama club. There's this new play they'll be doing, Twilight, and I think I have enough sparkle to make the cut." He opened his neck line wide enough to let me see glitters on his chest area. I blurted out laughing and I think I almost ran out of oxygen. Hey, I didn't know Vampires could be hilarious too.

I grabbed the coke in cans and dropped them in the basket. "Same. I think I could make a good Bella, a shallow horny teenager so desperate to stay youthful looking." I grinned at him and made moaning sounds as I moved on to the cashier.

He blew air from his nose and rolled his eyes. "Please stop being sexy and hot. I want to work my way up to being your special someone. Not become a rapist. Please."

We became friends as the weeks go by and it didn't take us forever to find out that there was so much more than being friends. Our school allowed this kind of relationship: villain to superhero, superhero to villain. We were not officially superheroes and villains, anyway. But after we graduate, any relationship with the other Quarters should be non existent or else.

So before we graduate, we made sure that we had enjoyed being together. Almost everyday I see to it that I never fail to express how I love him and how happy I was to have another day spent with him. He sends me flowers and chocolates in return. He would shower me with kisses and hugs until I'd drown with them.

I sighed.

My heart was shattered when the graduation came. We had to break up and leave each other. No matter how much we hated it, it was the rule and nothing or no one would go against it. It was how it worked and we should forget each other for good.

I graduated with the powers of Invisibility and Cloning while I was given the weapons-based Archery and Boomerang. Brice, well, he graduated a vampire with their vampire abilities, of course.

I moved to Burlington, Vermont after two weeks and started a Bake shop. It was going well for two years. I helped the policemen bust the criminals around here and that has been my everyday routine since I graduated. And it actually helped, being that I forgot about my first love and not hurting myself anymore.

In the middle of the night, I woke up with the sound of the cat's horrible meows and screams in the backyard. I went invisible and checked the backyard. It was dark and at that moment, I really wished I was given the power of night vision or something that would help me see through the night.. Or teleportation so I didn't have to step on things that I couldn't see or hit sharp edges. It was harder.

Slowly, slowly... I opened the backdoor and BAM! I hit the kitchen cabinet with full force and I landed on the cold floor. The kitchen utensils and pans hit the floor with a loud boinking sound. I lost my balance and as I tried to stand, something fast flew across me and I fell on the floor.

"Did you know that you had been meddling with my plans?" He said. His voice was rough and cold. I was still invisible and he couldn't see me. I moved as I regain my strength. He continued to walk; the echoes of his shoes were filling up the house.

I stood and I jumped from one counter top to another as lightly as possible. I almost hit the wooden lamp stuck on the ceiling, but I managed to duck and held to the edge of the counter top. I couldn't see him in the dark, with his leather jacket and pants. I was sweating by now as I think of a way to subdue him. He was fast and he maybe a vampire. He might be even Brice but I shook that thought off my mind.

I started to feel my heart race as his name reached my heart. If he could see me and if he was Brice, he might drop the idea of fighting with me or doing something horrible to this community. Below me were the pans, I hang my legs and kicked the pan to his direction.

I turned visible as he turned.

My jaws dropped... It wasn't Brice.

He had me first before I even turn invisible. He held my neck and I looked him in the eye, he wasn't Brice. He was totally different. How could I be so stupid? He wasn't even as tall as Brice.

He smiled, half-smiled. "Pain in the ass." He whispered and his eyes turned red. I quickly took the thing that my hand had touched on the counter top. Good thing it was the big fork. I drive it to his heart, but he let go of me and I knew I wasn't able to reach his heart. He fell on the floor and I went down as well. I held the fork and aimed for his heart.

My smile was the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes.

That one was the most recent and I swear I almost gave up. My stupidity almost got me killed and I couldn't do that again. It was just my luck, which was why, maybe I was still alive and grocery shopping. I was reaching for the bag of flour when a tall guy reached it for me.

This time, I was sure he was Brice.

He looked paler and thinner. "Are you going to some kind of a war or something?" Those were his first words to me and I almost cried at the sight of him. I didn't know we'd be able to encounter someday. This day. I embraced him and I didn't care if it was prohibited. All I knew was that I have found him again.

"It has been like what? Two years?" He said to my ears. "I missed you." He kissed me on the cheek, so tender, so eager. I knew there was a danger to it, but I didn't care.

I wiped my tears and kissed him back. So gentle and sweet. He was my world and I really couldn't careless what my punishment will be afterwards. He pulled out of the kiss. "Let's take a walk. Let's go to your house."

I agreed and went to my house after. "So, how are you? What have you been doing these past few years?" I sat beside him on the couch, our fingers intertwined.

He stood up and pulled me against him. He leaned over and kissed me again. His hands found their way to my waist, to my back and my thigh. More and more clothes scattered on the floor and we did it. It was exhausting but wonderful. Through my heavy panting, he spoke, "You have killed my brother,"

I opened my eyes, "What are you talking about?" His eyes turned red and I could see rage and anger.

"You have killed my brother..." He repeated. I realized who he was referring to.

"He came to attack me. I was just defending myself. I'm so sorry." I touched his cheek and I kissed him, tenderly and sweetly.

"Now I came to kill you."

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