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"Stop!" I let out a slight giggle as my boyfriend of almost 1 year kissed my face repeatedly.

I tried pushing his toned body off of mine, but I didn't have the strength in my little puny arms.

"Please." I whined, pouting out my bottom lip. He removed his lips from my face and fixed his eyes on mine.

"You kill me when you do that." He smirked leaning down kissing me softly. Kayden pulled back from my lips and looked me in the eyes before sitting up.

"Where are you going?" I asked, squeezing my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Uh... Out with the guys." He said unsure. I gave him a slow nod before sliding off the bed.

"Bye babe." Kayden said giving me a quick kiss.

"I love you." He mouthed before exiting our bedroom. I gave him a smile in return.

I let out a sigh and shook my head shaking the thought away. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and started to scroll through it.


"I've missed you." My best friend Charlie squealed as I opened the front door, letting her in.

Charlie is a well known model around LA and knows lots of famous people. She asks me all the time to model with her and go to parties, but i'm always too busy with Kayden or I'm too nervous.

I smiled pulling her into a hug. I haven't seen her in a while I really missed her. As i'm hugging her I notice two people walking up the drive way, I couldn't make out what they looked like because it was dark outside. I backed away from the hug a bit confused.

"Oh I hope you don't mind this is Justin and Ryder." Charlie smiled, waving them to come in with her hand.

My heart dropped to the floor when Justin as in Justin Bieber came into the light. My eyes were glued on him and they wouldn't move.

"I'm Justin." He lightly smiled holding his handout. I took it in mine and gave it a light shake, not a word escaping my lips.

"This is Malia." Charlie said wrapping her arm around my shoulder breaking me out of my stare.

"Uh..ex-cuse me." I stuttered, grabbing ahold of Charlie's arm pulling her around the corner and down the hall.

"Are you fucking insane!!" I loudly whispered. She busted out laughing.

"How could you bring him here? You know how I feel about him." I said whining stomping my feet like a little kid.

She giggled and rolled her eyes "You'll be fine, just be yourself."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen where the boys were helping themselves.

"Hope you don't mind." said the other guy Ryder, I think that's his name.

"Not at all." I lightly smiled.

"So, Malia tell me about yourself." Justin's godly voice rang through my body.

"Can you get me a drink." I turned to Charlie, giving her the look before I went and sat down next to the open seat next to Justin.

"Well, uh I live with my boyfriend, his name is Kayden," I said in an unpleasant tone. Kayden was 'out with the guys' but I have this horrible gut feeling that he's cheating on me.

"I used to model with Charlie and I don't party much although she does try to get me out, I like to hangout with my few close friends, I like to keep my circle small." I finished looking a Justin with a small smile.

"But I'm always open to making new friends if they are good people." I added as Charlie handed me a drink while sipping on hers.

"We're good people." Ryder said with a big grin on his face. I could see from the corner of my eye that Justin was looking at me which made my heart pound.

"So where is the lucky guy, Kayden you said?" Justin asked, curiosity lacing his voice. I turned to look at him, "Out with some of his friends I believe." I answered shyly.

Justin nodded taking a swig of his beer. I looked away and took a big gulp of my drink.

"I personally don't like Kayden." Charlie said breaking the silence. My eyes flicked up at her. "He's a dick and I don't like how he treats Malia sometimes." She continued.

She definitely was getting tipsy cause she just wouldn't say that.


"Ryder come with me." Charlie said getting up from the couch stumbling a bit. Ryder stood up and wiggled his eyebrows at Justin and I making us laugh.

It was around 2 in the morning and I started to to get worried about Kyle.

"You okay?" Justin asked noticing a change in my mood. His voice broke my thoughts about Kayden every time.

"Yeah." I smiled sitting back on the couch.

"I like you, you're pretty cool." Justin said taking one last gulp of his like 8th beer, I don't even know I lost count.

"Can I be honest?" I asked turning my body so I was facing him. He nodded and set his empty beer bottle on the coffee table. "Please don't laugh." I nervously smiled.

"No promises." He smiled showing his straight pearly whites.

"When I was younger I was literally in love with you, and I still am and it's bad." I laughed slamming my hand on my forehead in complete embarrassment. "But I really wanna get to know you as like a person." I finished.

Just as Justin was about to speak I heard the front door open. Kayden was probably home.

"Malia?! Where the fuck are you?!" Kayden screamed making me flinch. Justin noticed and scrunched his eyebrows together. I got up from the couch and walked towards the sound of Kayden's voice. Justin followed right behind me.

"There you are, who the fuck are you?" Kayden said in an angry tone. Charlie and Ryder came running down the stairs. Kayden's face showed he wasn't happy. He let out a deep breath which scared the shit out of me.

"I hate to seem rude, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Kayden said to Charlie and the two boys. He was acting calm and that's what scared me the most.

"Yeah, uh fuck no. I know exactly what will happen once I walk out that door." Charlie said with anger clear in her voice. I gave her a look telling her to quit. She clenched her jaw and grabbed Ryder's hand before walking out with Justin behind them. Justin was hesitant when leaving.

"Why the fuck are you hanging out with guys while I'm out with friends?" Kayden yelled as soon as the door shut. I stepped back at the sound of his voice.

"Charlie brought them over." I said not looking up from the floor.

"Get outta my face." He breathed, I could smell the alcohol.

I didn't hesitate one bit. I walked right upstairs and got ready for bed.

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